Two things that Notion does better

WYSIWYG - the ability to click anywhere and just write, is so nice.

Drag and drop images from elsewhere into one’s notes. Again, so nice.

I keep switching back and forth between Tiddlywiki and Notion. Notion isn’t perfect, it is slow and the search function sucks, but I find myself switching back to it again, mainly for the above two reasons. I hope one day Tiddlywiki can include the above features.

Both of the above are possible in tiddlywiki but have various factors to be taken into account. Including how important is wysywig once you know markup and where do you want to store media?

See preview output in the editor as well.

It’s all definitely possible. See, for example, the exciting Slate plugin from @linonetwo that gives a WYSIWYG editor experience:

I think these features would be great to pull into the Core. Dragging and dropping images does work in the body field of text (and inserts a transcluded tiddler), but it’s not “live” like it would be if the whole experience were WYSIWIG. Editing live also gives you the opportunity to quickly edit something without switching modes or contexts, and makes everything feel snappier.

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As I said there are solutions around to add WYSYWYG but as a “wiki” solution, it is in some ways not by definition a core function, wikis use wiki markup. WYSIWIG can have high overheads (lots of bytes) and may add many bytes so this needs to stay optional and thus not in the core, however I think it could be a core plugin because there are cases where we want a solution to include this.

The problem for users is probably exactly that; That it is not default. You and I know TW can “do anything” but they don’t and they don’t want to learn that or even to install a plugin for it.

I think the solution would be either:

  • Present ready made editions for different user cases.
  • Make it possible to include plugins directly in the TW download!

…actually, these could be the same thing; The user checks a box to say what edition he wants and/but gets a TW with those plugins preinstalled.

“teacher edition”, “note-taking edition”, “coder-edition”…


This shall be easily doable atleast for the core plug ins. Just below the download empty wiki button in the, add a section to install selected core plug ins and download the wiki with those plug ins installed.

I think so too, but (1) it is totally up to Jeremy and (2) only the core plugins means it would be very limited. …but I have an idea that I might post about. Your post here has now pushed me over the edge and I’ll formulate it.

In the Linux world, we have “distributions”.

I only mention it in case it might be useful.

Each and every one of us can create “distributions” and put them on TiddlyHost or Github. That’s easy. It would be useful to have some kind of “distribution” tag for TiddlyWiki instances on TiddlyHost.

Me, I’d prefer to see the “TW core and the standard TiddlyWiki distribution” project continue as-is (with no “ownership” of distributions).


Thanks @Charlie_Veniot – I think that is indeed the crux of the matter. I think the solution is to have a proper community plugin library of all relevant user generated content from snippets, plugins to editions. As far as the technical platform is concerned, my plan is to make the plugin library be the reference implementation of MWS. Every instance of MWS will incorporate a local plugin library; the one at will be public, with community members being able to create accounts and upload the content they want to share.

Setting it up is not just a matter of the technical platform, of course. We will have to deal with spam and other abuse, and will need to evolve governance and operational maintenance.


Is there a plugin for dragging-and-dropping images into one’s Tiddlywiki?

It seems to be native in 5.2. Why did nobody say? Lol

Just drag an image to the Tiddler editor.

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