[tw5] TiddlyWiki discussion forum: a thought about choice of forum

With all the talk about TiddlyTalk and longterm discussions about Google Drive, I just had this thought.

It would be pretty cool if documentation Tiddlers at TiddlyWiki.com (or wherever) could have, in the footers of those tiddlers, embedded iFrame of related discussion topics from the forum showing “right there.”

So if, for example, I’m looking at the “addprefix Operator”, I could see possibly relevant discussions about that in the forum, right there (at my fingertips) as part of documentation related to that filter operator.

I suppose things could be curated somehow. Maybe discussion threads could be tagged such that relevant discussions would show for a particular tiddler. So only threads with the “addprefix” tag would show for that tiddler, with maybe a check box that, when checked, gets any discussion with the word “addprefix” anywhere in the discussion.

Yeah, I dream fully integrated, intertwined, intermingled, intertwingled.

I’ve only played around a little bit with this concept in Google Sites, embedding Google Group instances in various Google Site pages to view discussion related to a particular page’s topic.

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I think something like this would be a good idea. Perhaps something discussed in Discourse that creates Discourse posts from a tiddler could be setup in a dedicated category for this, and with the first post being a Wiki type post so we can accrue documentation and examples over time. With the thread itself a permanent conversation about that documentation tiddler.
