Adding Discourse discussion threads to documentation

@Charlie_Veniot wrote:

Yes, this is totally doable. Discourse has embedding built in specifically for this use case.

Here is the developer write up:

What we’d want to do here is have a category named something like TW Comments or TW Docs or similar, and then topics get auto created here in Discourse based on the TW documentation.

I don’t know what the community’s process is for deciding on and working on changes to, but from my POV there aren’t any blockers to making this happen.

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Really interesting idea. Will come back to this. :slight_smile:

If you edit a tiddler at the process of updating the documentation becomes visible. Its about editing tiddlers and submitting them to GitHub. This somewhat formal and needs a GitHub account.

There would be no harm and substantial value having the opportunity to discuss such tiddlers, provide examples and discuss change requests relating to particular items in Discourse. Then a subset of users can take content in the discourse thread and apply it to the official tiddler.

One barrier to updating is a need to be aware of the standards and practices that have being added to in the Documentation Macros. Unfortunately its documentation there has no style guide etc…

Discourse links from opens the opportunity for any community member to do the research and work to improve documentation even if the updates must be done by a limited group of members with the keys to GitHub.

Post script. Ultimately a Wiki Post everyone can contribute to for each tiddler would make sense.

I meant the layout and design of the site itself, and adding features to it. Sounds like Github issues and someone volunteering to make a PR.

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Yes, and changes to multiple tiddlers at once will most likely involve close scrutiny and a number or PR’s. Rather than use the documentation change mechaisium on, this may be better initiated in GitHub discussion’s.

There is in fact a documentation style guide tiddler:

Contributions welcome.

@jeremyruston perhaps I used the wrong name, I felt we needed instructions on when to use what Documentation Macros on the few goes I had, I found it hard to be sure I was following the correct use of the macros in the correct order And for say operators rather than widgets etc…

No doubt I could review again and see how I go. The actual style Guide is Quite good.