[tw5] "I moved to Discourse" - add your name too?

Hi everyone

I am moving to Discourse and don’t plan to post here anymore.

Rather than have each of us do this as a separate thread, maybe everyone who does the same as me might want to just reply to this thread to add their names to the list. So people can see this is a serious exodus from one platform to the other. Maybe that will encourage more people to do the same.



I am moving, too

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I am now also on talk.tiddlywiki.org but do not yet understand how to post or reply anything there

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I haven’t been active (hardly at all) over the past few years, but also think this move away from GG is a good idea.
Throwing my hat into the Discourse ring, also :slight_smile:

(note: registered there using another GMail account, so I’m “Chan_Droid” now)

–Zaphod / Chan_Droid

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I am moving too!

Oh… what’s the link?

See https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/

I’m there.

Me too. Goodbye, GoogleGroups (and thanks for all the fish :-). /walt

Wait. There was fish? No one told me about the fish!

D’oh! Tiddlers!

All the cool kids are there so I’m joining too.

Not that my contributions have been earth shattering, but I’ve moved too :slight_smile:

David Shaw

Switched too. Discourse is looking pretty good so far and indeed much superior to GG. I did find the base config a bit spammy though, as users are automatically registered as tracking a thread (and therefore receive email alerts) after only 4 minutes with the thread open.

All those settings can be adjusted in your Preferences page. You can also “mute” a category if you want. So you don’t get e-mailed at all.


moved over also

I will join the “me too” movement (to discourse of course :slight_smile:


I have also moved.

I have also moved, Discourse is looking pretty good to me.

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Of course I do - and my name too!

Well, not at all - the Dots had to be chaged. But the rest looks fine.
Have a nice day!

I’ve created a profile on Talk.TiddlyWiki.org and am delighted with the interface there. I’ll try to ask questions and create new threads there rather than here, though I guess I’ll be drawn back to Google Groups is that’s where the conversation flows. (For my part, I’m hoping it moves to Talk.TW)
