[tw5] BASIC Dialects Matrix TiddlyWiki

Hi Charlie,

I made some changes to the demo based on the discusions in the talk TW forum. Now the modal search edit option works ok.


Hey, that looks really good !

Hi Charlie,

I want to edit this tKwm template such that the modal which opens when I click on the links show the editor shown in the image given below - I have named it as “Editor for modal search”

I think I have to modify this part of the tKwm template.

$param={{{ [!is[missing]] [uppercase[]!is[missing]] +[first[]] }}}
template=“Keyword Viewer” />

But where and how to add the template (Editor for modal search)


Yup, that’s what you want to change.

Get rid of the "template=“Keyword Viewer” line.

Setup $param=“Editor for modal search”

If you want the Editor for modal search to get some kind of parameter related to whatever the tKwm link, then as per https://tiddlywiki.com/#WidgetMessage%3A%20tm-modal, setup some parameter without a dollar sign.

So if you add a parameter called “this_tiddler”, you might have this_tiddler=<> .

In Editor for modal search, you have access to this parameter without having to do anything else. All you have to do is refer to <<this_tiddler>>.

Hi Charlie,

Can you take a look at this demo.


Click on the tKwm link in the topbar to see all relevant tiddlers and demo.


Holy moly, that TiddlyWiki looks spectacular.

I missed one point. New template (tKwn) I made is not working as intended - here is the link for it - https://multicolumn-krystal.tiddlyhost.com/#tKwn

I am not able to get the “editor for modal search” for the current tiddler within the modal.

I had written earlier:

Yup, that’s what you want to change.

Get rid of the "template=“Keyword Viewer” line.

Setup $param=“Editor for modal search”

If you want the Editor for modal search to get some kind of parameter related to whatever the tKwm link, then as per https://tiddlywiki.com/#WidgetMessage%3A%20tm-modal, setup some parameter without a dollar sign.

So if you add a parameter called “this_tiddler”, you might have this_tiddler=<> .

In Editor for modal search, you have access to this parameter without having to do anything else. All you have to do is refer to <<this_tiddler>>.

It would probably be a good idea for you to play with empty.html and experiment with modals to make sense of things.

Once you understand how modals work, the following will make more sense if it seemse like gibberish now:

<$action-sendmessage $message=“tm-modal” $param=“Editor for modal search” this_tiddler=<> />

Nothing to add in Editor for modal search. In that tiddler, you can now use <<this_tiddler>> as the reference for whatever happens to be the current tiddler (i.e. the one that brought up the “Editor for modal search” tiddler as a modal.)

Hurray. It works now. https://multicolumn-krystal.tiddlyhost.com/#tKwm:tKwm%20tKwn%20%5B%5BtKwn%20and%20tKwm%20demo%5D%5D%20%5B%5BEditor%20for%20tKwn%5D%5D%20%5B%5BEditor%20for%20modal%20search%5D%5D