Tonys Tiny Tips - using the editor toolbar link button for more

Just thought I would drop a little present :package: for the season.

Description of the editor toolbar link button

This button is built in to tiddlywiki and allows you to search for and insert a link to a tiddler title, however it is much more versatile. I use it almost everyday now.

Here is a quick list;

  • Ctrl-L then search for a title, enter to save in the editor [[my tiddler]]
  • Select “some text” Ctrl-L then search for a title, enter to save in the editor [[some text|my tiddler]]
  • Select “some text” Ctrl-L then enter to save in the editor [[some text|]] creates link to a missing tiddler.
    • More on missing tiddlers in a future tip
  • With or without selected text, Ctrl-L then drag and drop a title into the edit field, press enter.
    • Keep in mind you can drop titles directly in the tiddler body.
  • Do the above but drop or paste a url into the edit field.
  • Copy a url from anywhere, Ctrl-L and Ctrl-V (paste) then enter, wraps the link in [[ ]] but also uses selected text as the pretty link.
  • If you have any custom search tabs, these will be available in the link search.

My challenge, can you find and share another novel use of the Editor Ctrl-L link button?

Here is one I found today

Just as you can use Ctrl-L and search for tiddlers, in the search popup you can type the name of a new tiddler and hit enter and a tiddler link will be added to your text. The tiddler need not exist and becomes a missing tiddler. If you had any text selected at the time ir will become the pretty link [[selected text|tiddlername entered]]

  • It is a quick way of writing a [[tiddler name]] as a link.

Thanks to the community and too many people to name for another productive, insightful, innovative year. Especially @jeremyruston who started this cascade.

If you celebrate Christmas enjoy, otherwise make use of the holidays if you have them.

[Edited] I have learned using precise words is no substitute for an image to place even a tiny tip in context.


Were you going to attach something or link to something?

No this is an out of the box tiddlywiki behaviour, no install or configure needed.

Cool eh?

Ah, the first steps being, open a tiddler in edit mode and click the link button in the editortoolbar. Now I get it. I was clicking Ctrl+L first since that was the first step you mentioned, and it was just highlighting the URL in my browser toolbar

Crucial information - thank you. Now in retrospect “editor toolbar link button” makes sense.

I will add something to the original post.

Just as you can use Ctrl-lL and search for tiddlers, in the search popup you can type the name of a new tiddler and hit enter and a tiddler link will be added to your text. The tiddler need not exist and becomes a missing tiddler. If you had any text selected at the time ir will become the pretty link [[selected text|tiddlername entered]]