Tiddlywiki5 run in container - can't set lazy loading

Hello there,

so I managed to deploy a working TW5 on a Qnap NAS in a container using deadlemon image from docker.hub. Unfortunately I am unable to figure out how I can make it lazy load. My TW is about 100MB (1400 tiddlers with images) and it takes approx. 4min. to load depending on a connection speed.

Where is a option to lazy load? How to make it lazy load on every restart?

Thank you, Matt

The pre-built image you are using is already compiled with the startup lines, so if you want to use the root-tiddler=$:/core/save/lazy-images startup config, you will most likely have to compile your own docker image. Does deadlemon offer the Dockerfile that was used to create the image? If so, you can build your own. I build my own from an init script I found somewhere a while back and customized it. I also use lazy-images, and just build a new image with each release of tiddlywiki.

Hi there, I never tried to compile docker images but if it is the only way to go I need to learn it.
Can you explan what are the steps to do it and maybe you could upload somewhere needed files? I will try to do it

Well, I’m not familiar with the Qnap NAS as far as if you can bring up a terminal and install everything required to build images from the terminal of the NAS itself, or if you will have to have a separate machine with a terminal to build it. I built mine on a linux machine, compiling it for the arm64 processor on my raspberry pi machines. I am going to be building images for arm64 and amd64 and placing them online for all my machines, so perhaps you could simply try using my images when I upload them to the docker hub after each Tiddlywiki upgrade, similar to how you are currently using deadlemon’s image.

Do you know what architecture your NAS is using? Is it arm or amd/intel?