NextcloudHub 9 is out right now and it would be really great to have an integration of TiddlyWiki especially of a MultiUserWiki. I just saw this Video on NextCloud’s OCS (Open Collaboration System) which is a very welcoming invitation. It is possible to deploy docker-apps within NextCloud and the video demonstrates tools that provide code to integrate it with NextCloud’s user-management etcetera.
As many organisations (like my own school) already have a nextcloud, this would open TW to a broader audience. Plus Next-Cloud is a standart-feature für many providers.
On the other Hand, it would be very practical to be able to use the tools Nextcloud offers in TW.
@well-noted, for example, they just enriched their ecosystem with a pretty straight forward way to run localAI on the same server (Exeptionally I only found a good instructional video in German that demonstrates how straight forward this works ) .