Adding a TiddlywikiApp to the Nextcloud-Ecosystem

NextcloudHub 9 is out right now and it would be really great to have an integration of TiddlyWiki especially of a MultiUserWiki. I just saw this Video on NextCloud’s OCS (Open Collaboration System) which is a very welcoming invitation. It is possible to deploy docker-apps within NextCloud and the video demonstrates tools that provide code to integrate it with NextCloud’s user-management etcetera.

As many organisations (like my own school) already have a nextcloud, this would open TW to a broader audience. Plus Next-Cloud is a standart-feature für many providers.

On the other Hand, it would be very practical to be able to use the tools Nextcloud offers in TW.
@well-noted, for example, they just enriched their ecosystem with a pretty straight forward way to run localAI on the same server (Exeptionally I only found a good instructional video in German that demonstrates how straight forward this works ) .

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I didn’t see that you’d @'d me right away :slight_smile:

I am vaguely aware of nextcloud, and only vaguely aware of which I speak. I see that “integrations” is their word for apps. I am not entirely sure that what you are suggesting is feasible without the organization also running a server. If the organization were running a server, users could access that via an iframe that was accessible through nextcloud, which would be the most straightforward.

I think you are envisioning a very straightforward, accessible setup process – I’m skeptical:

  1. Nextcloud as far as I can tell does not have an environment in which users can run containers or node, which would be necessary for what you are proposing, to my understanding. The Nextcloud integration of Microsoft products, for example, is just snagging content that microsoft has hosted.

  2. If a school were to host node, for example, alongside nextcloud, you could use MWS within an iframe, as mentioned previously – however, the setup and maintenance strain on IT would, I imagine, make it a nonstarter. Even if it were able to be started, I imagine it would easily fall by the wayside with employee turnover.

It’s an interesting idea, though, I think it’s worth thinking about how to make MWS accessible for organizations.

This is exactly what has been added to nextcloud with OCS : “Apps run in microservices architecture which uses a docker based depolyment system to make installing and running apps that scale easy and secure.”

Very interesting! Have you taken a look at the dev interface at all?

Yes… but I am no developper :wink: