TiddlyWiki v5.3.[4|5] - Dynanote annotater Plugin - Can it be used in V5.3.4?

Hi Folks,

I just saw an old post by @Mark_S - where he created the ability to “highlight” text on Tiddlers - without having to open|edit|mark|save them - - and it’s useful indeed!


My question - I want to install this on my TiddlyWiki (local file) - but unsure if it’s “OK” to use - as the discussion does not really provide a solution.

I did try this on a few sites - and it looks like it can work - but the installation is a bit confusing.

This is the only way I was able to get it to work on an “older” version of TiddlyWiki: 5.2.2 - but not on 5.3.4 :slightly_frowning_face:

  • Install the plugin
    ** Save and Reload
    ** Update the config: (Tag, dropdown and $:/Dynannote,…)
  • Install the required Dynaviewer
    ** Save and Reload
  • Enable Dynanote in the “Config” tab - - it’s there on the old version - no idea where it’s at on the new version

It works - and works well - for my needs.

Any plans to update this - or maybe - is there a newer version?


  • Dynanote annotater is different from dynannotate ← This was a painful lesson to learn - as I had both installed and did not realize it - lost my wiki - ugghh

Anyways - Thanks,

  • TwN00b

Update: I think I solved this - by taking the plunge and trying it on a few personal tiddlywiki’s.

I am using these three from the same thread - and I just dragged, dropped and it worked!

  • I do have to tag the Tiddler to Annotate with the tag[Annotate] - which is OK for now


  • TwN00b

P.S. If you want to pull the Annotation Plugs - I have them here:

(Yeah - I learned how to create a TiddlyHost Wiki - - a couple of days ago.)

P.P.S. - Works fine with TiddlyWiki 5.3.3 – not 5.3.4 (so we are clear)

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