This has being raised before and there are quite a few Google Groups posts relating to this but we continue to have a serious gap here. A number of highlighters are available but not for TiddlyWiki itself.
- If anyone has found a reasonable solution lets make it our own, document it or make a core plugin to support it.
I personally find that 90% of the difficult to solve errors when writing in Wiki Text and TiddlyWiki script, that is with macros, widgets, html etc…, (not in the Javascript) are single character errors such as delimiters such as quotes, closing a widget or tag. This can occur when copying code from elsewhere or typing up from memory.
- Unfortunately tiddlywiki is not always good at reporting errors in code, but rather than a sophisticated solution, what about just having wikitext characters highlighted along with matching quote, braces and tags closure?
- perhaps a code preview that highlights miss matches?
It should be possible to adapt a HTML highlighter that displays non-matching opens and close tags, to understand macro calls and widgets and unbalanced quotes. Sure there will be some devil in the details but with the Regex Gurus and coders around, if we got this started I don’t think it would be long before we had a finished result.
- Then in time we can leverage the same code for the wikitext parser to highlight wikitext characters like
! !! ; *
etc… as well.
What do you think?