CodeMirrorPlus vs CodeMirrorEnhanced

Looking for an editor with an autocomplete feature I realized there are a couple with overlapping features:




They both have autocomplete for links, which is all I need, but I’m just wondering if anyone can suggest a reason to pick one over the other?

Of course the answer to this is probably “It depends what you use it for”, but I’m also interested in why any other users decided on one over the other for their particular use case.

I think TW5-CodeMirror-Enhanced/ at main · Gk0Wk/TW5-CodeMirror-Enhanced · GitHub is much more powerful and actively is developed now!

See the demo CodeMirror Enhanced — An enhanced for CodeMirror framework in TiddlyWiki

One great feature I like is snippet autocomplete which is customizable!
It has in todolist to support KaTex autocomplete also!