Tiddlywiki Editions

Somewhat related to my TidWeb project – do we have a good list of recommended TW editions for the public?

This has come up in quite a few different contexts: Lots of people find the empty tiddlywiki file challenging to work with. One of my partners is very interested in using Tiddlywiki, but would find it challenging to start with a blank wiki. Another partner is very interested in my particular implementation, however I don’t really have a stripped down edition to share with them.

Is there some library of blank tiddlywiki editions that provide a starting point and/or structure for new/experienced users? Does anyone have suggestions of what would be on that list?

TiddlyWiki has no structure—that’s its beauty. It is a core and plugin paradigm, and you can build pretty much any flavour of it depending on the task you want to work on by combining various plugins.

Main Keywords are

  • TiddlyMap
  • Projectify
  • Kookma plugin library
  • Grok TiddlyWiki.

Starting is simple for beginners.


  1. Do some journaling and log your daily activities or use the plus button to create.
  2. Use [[link]] to flag objects, names, or concepts of significance.
  3. All your missing tiddlers will be listed in More > Missing. Either follow the list to expand your wiki or click on the links from the Journal tiddler.
  4. Tag your tiddlers with simple words aiming for at least 2. For example, “cat” + “food”
  5. Keep it going.


a. Use search to retrieve information about separate things.
b. Click on a tag for a list of tiddlers tagged with it.
c. For more advanced lists you need to learn only one filter:

  • <<list-links “[tag[yourtag]sort[title]]”>>

d. Add as many tags to the filter, as you need.
e. Exclude, as many as you want with exclamation mark “!tag[unwantedtag]”.
f. Focus on Entry, because your lists will update themselves.

Hope this helps.

Have a look through the showcase section here perhaps?

You don’t have to tell me, it’s just a topic that comes up a lot if it’s irrelevant for people.

Not centralized. There were some really great discussions on this fifteen months back, but they fizzled. I’m hoping to get back to them in another two months or so.

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Sorry. I’m struggling to find “the showcase section here”.

Edit: Found it.

I tried to make GitHub - tiddly-gittly/Awesome-TiddlyWiki-Editions: Featured TiddlyWiki Editions list from the global community 精选自全球社区的太微发行版列表

But problem is what should be in JSON API, we haven’t got a result. so I didn’t spend time on this later.

Hi @well-noted,

Note I made a starter TW edition over a year ago. It was a first try. I will probable make it more generic though with more recommendations and options when I have more time.
