TiddlyWiki 5 on MS SharePoint / Teams?

I have a TiddlyWiki instance that was build on v5.3.1, with no additional plugins or functional modifications, just content. I developed it on my Windows 10 desktop in Firefox on local or OneDrive shared disk where it appears normally. When I drop this file in my employer’s MS Sharepoint/Teams workspace and access the file, it does not display as normal, but just shows a page like,

This TiddlyWiki contains the following tiddlers:


I saw the suggestion at TiddlyWiki.com that suggested renaming the file from .html to .aspx and tried the same. That file does not even display, but offers to download.

Can anyone suggest a way to get it to display properly? I am not so concerned with saving changes in that environment, though that would be nice.

Please note: This question has been asked on StackOverflow.com as well.

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I do not have a solution. I only have the experience of having tried for a while, and having given up. I vaguely recall learning that Sharepoint displays html in a way that blocks javascript interaction. Don’t take this as authoritative. Just anecdotal evidence that at least one person came up against this obstacle and gave up. :expressionless:

It looks like Sharepoint/Teams is purposely stripping JavaScript before viewing HTML files. That makes some sense, because otherwise it would enable arbitrary JavaScript to be executed from within their domain, with access to Sharepoints/Teams cookies, which would be a big security vulnerability. Having said that, others have reported success with using TiddlyWiki with Sharepoint, so perhaps somebody else has some more information.

By default, script is allowed on most sites that admins create using the SharePoint admin center as well as all sites created using the New-SPOSite PowerShell command. It is not allowed on OneDrive, on sites users create themselves, on modern team and communication sites, and on the root site for your organization. You’ll probably want to limit the amount of script you allow for security reasons.

Unfortunately while I may have been one of the most vocal proponents of the SharePoint / ASPX solutions, within my organization it has long since been disabled. I suggest this method be removed from being listed as a viable option listed as others have also posted about getting stuck here.

As my company also blocks TiddlyHost and GitHub, I’ve been forced to abandon TiddlyWiki for team work use entirely. It’s been heartbreaking actually as a lot of time was invested.

To cut a long story short placing your wiki inside a wiki library with an aspx extension will work, although these libraries do not always allow you to enforce check in and out for multiple editors, you gain a performance enhancement because it treats tiddlywiki like a webpage rather than a document.

Sounds similar to GigantiCorpTM, where I work.1 I could not get it to work in Confluence. While I can use file shares, there’s always access issues. Because of many years of scars, I did not even try SharePoint. But we have enterprise versions of both GitHub and GitLab, and I managed to convince the corporate overlords to enable Pages on both.

I have an only slightly broken process for our restricted version of GitHub Pages, and a completely working one for our GitLab Pages.

If either of those is available to you, let me know and I can share my processes with you… unless the soul-sapping corporate vibe has conquered your will to fight on – completely understandable if that’s the case.

1 Name changed to protect the guilty.

Ha, thanks @Scott_Sauyet, while I’d put my personal stuff there, my work process wikis aren’t a great fit for a couple reasons.

I’ve moved and reproduced all of that content now in OneNote. If my frustrations with OneNote flare up down the road, I may circle back. I appreciate the offer :grinning:

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