[TiddlyTables] with dropdown menu options and icons?

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@session or instead you could look at dynamic tables in shiraz Shiraz Plugin Update 2.5.4 - 2.8.1

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thanks for the warm welcome :slight_smile:
the Shiraz Plugin seams interesting and even uses the TiddlyTables plugin by Alan Aldrich. But I’m still not able to build in icons… is the option really included there?

I don’t know but it may be possible to control how you edit the field. What you want follows from there. @Mohammad may be able to answer that.

so it seams about to crate a template like this

Shiraz 2.9.0 — create stylish contents in Tiddlywiki


which works for cells link in the framdate example

@Mohammad can you help to build such a template - would give your plugin a great use case as a survey tool/form

so with TiddlyTables v0.6.21 — TiddlyTables - a TiddlyWiki plugin for building advanced sortable tables.

i created in a Column Template

the column


<$select tiddler=<<currentRecord>> field="vote" default=""><option value=''>...</option><option value='Yes'>Yes</option><option value='No'>No</option>$select>

Is there a way to replace “Yes” and “No” with icons ?

Look at the example of a dropdown for priority. (Search for this in Advanced search, and it should show up, since it’s a shadow tiddler in Shiraz):


It models how to set up a drop-down selection within a dynamic table — one that behaves well in edit and view mode, and includes icons for each option (in view mode).

thanks but i coming not along with that… i’m not so experienced with that all … don´t understand the code…

in the examples i do not find a table with icons

so have look again at this table and it’s functions


i would like to build such with a tiddlywiki so we could use it for survey and polls
if it is possible - how to do it?


I don’t think it would be hard to build something that replicates something like the selection behavior at framedate (where Visitor is choosing, for the sixth column, among four possible icon values):

(When I say it wouldn’t be difficult, I mean nothing in principle difficult — I could imagine developing an edit template that offers a dropdown choice among icons rather than text. Shiraz priority columns already offer icons in view mode, and there’s no reason icons couldn’t be included in the edit-mode dropdown as well. But I’ve never spent time designing edit-mode column-templates before, so it would probably take me a chunk of time to figure out how to design one that includes an icon-carrying dropdown.)

But I have a different concern now: What would be difficult is having multiple visitors’ data (for polls and surveys) saved to your wiki, unless you’re planning to run this solution on some kind of local or vpn-mediated intranet with a multi-author authentication solution.

Over the internet, having website visitors make any lasting change to what’s displayed on the site (comments, edits, ratings) tends to require a significant back-end server support for tracking the data (and managing edit permissions that are neatly sandboxed for each visitor).

Whenever TiddlyWiki is served up as a single html file (as with TiddlyHost), it’s not designed to be modifiable by website visitors other than the author… after all, edit access is edit access, and it’s all one html file!

There are various ways people might try to get web visitors’ input integrated into a wiki on the web (with iframes, json import of external data, or other workarounds that depend on workflows mediated by google sheets and such), but it’s not a simple project.

So, I want to change the subject (at least briefly) from your edit-interface question to this bigger one, to make sure we’re not putting effort into a beautiful edit interface that can’t actually accept the multi-user input that you care about.

Thanks for your input…
if you look at the framadate you see that it can work out even if every person who knows the URL can edit every entry as he/she links…

It is meant for small communities where the members trust each other

that tiddlywiki is all one html file is the great thing - that makes it very easy to host in the internet

if we would have such a tiddlywiki template for polls and surveys i would say we could use it instead by 95% of the time we use doodle.com or framadate today

I have looked at framadate (as you might note from the screenshot in my post), and I have used a wide range of similar sites that allow web visitor input, sometimes without even registering for an account (such as doodle).

What I’m indicating is that the infrastructure behind a site like framadate is quite complex, even though it looks simple on the surface.

Framadate needs to host a potential torrent of input data coming in from human web visitors, and they need to find a way to guard against (or minimize noise from) spammers and bots. Most importantly, they need a dataflow process that allows visitors to add select kinds of information to their servers, while not allowing any one visitor to modify the info associated with other visitors (EDIT: granted there are loosey-goosy tools that do allow anyone to mess around in a public shared sandbox), and not allowing visitors to edit or interfere with the html that controls how the site works. (EDIT: This part is what no online tool ever does. There’s always a sandbox around what can be accessed.)

TiddlyWiki is not that kind of solution, and it would have to be a very different kind of project if it tried to work that way.

Of course, I can set up a TiddlyWiki so that my editing interface looks however I like. And if I serve my tiddlywiki online through TiddlyHost (or my own web domain, etc.) I can also let web visitors interact with TiddlyWiki’s powerful editing interface. This means, with TiddlyWIki, that web visitors can tinker with everything about the site (based on the file that their browser loads into memory), even making changes in ways that “break it” … But what they break is (thank goodness!) only its ability to continue functioning in their own browser session. When the web visitor reloads, it retains nothing at all of their previous additions or edits.

What I literally cannot set up, over the web, is an interface that lets them use the TiddlyWiki edit process to modify the actual single html file (that is housed on the server) that is my TiddlyWiki. They can at best save an edited copy of it to someplace (like their own desktop) for which they have write access.

I can modify my own online TiddlyWiki file, of course, but it’s via an authenticated control panel, and edit access is all-or-nothing. If I were to try sharing my tiddlyhost account password with someone else (or my web server ftp access, etc.), that person would have complete edit access, and multiple users would be at great risk of making conflicting edits.

So again — unless the users you’re interacting with are all on a local area network or other authenticated-access system running a node.js version of TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWiki is not the way to conduct polls or surveys — until and unless you’re developing a complex interaction between TiddlyWiki and some other web-based service that’s handling the incoming data.

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actually every visitor of a framadate survey and polls CAN edit or modify the votes of others… that is why i asked you to take a closer look…i just edited the vote of “Spandrel” as you can see…

so this all works just for small communities where the members trust each other

i see that there are quid few differences between a site like framadate and a self hosted tiddlywiki but most of the time a self hosted tiddlywiki could to the job.

What I literally cannot set up, over the web, is an interface that lets them use the TiddlyWiki edit process to modify the actual single html file, housed on the server, that is my TiddlyWiki.

Yes you can… at least i can… i can host the TiddlyWiki in the internet and everybody who knows the URL can mess around with it as he/she likes and save it online

If i provide special access and editing right only persons with this rights can mess around with this thetiddlywiki file… but all this is just fine if we want to share survey and polls with friends and persons you can trust.

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Are you using a shared login (on tiddlyhost.com, for instance) or have you found another means to let visitors save changes back to your server? This isn’t typically possible; if you make changes to tiddlywiki.com or another publicly accessible site and hit the save button, you can download a copy of the file with your changes, but the public site itself won’t be affected.

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When I visit your TiddlyWiki online, I can download a version that includes my edits, but I can’t save your TiddlyWiki, online, back to your server.

You seem to doubt that I know what I’m talking about.

Since the subject at this point is so different from how to design a dropdown with icons, I highly recommend posting another thread, and asking the community about whether and how TiddlyWiki could serve, over the internet, as an interface for gathering survey or poll responses. I’ll keep quiet so you can hear others’ input on this point. (EDIT: written before seeing @etardiff chime in.)

Yes you can… if i granted you personal editing rights or if the editing rights are set to public. … i was thinking that tiddyhost works like that as well… if not than i seam to use a quid different setup…

i 'ḿ aware that public editing rights are not a good idea but for trusted communities it works like that…

tiddyhost does not offer this?

No, as @Springer explained, TiddlyWiki is not set up to function out-of-the-box the way traditional wikis do, and it doesn’t have any core mechanisms to support multiple editors. TiddlyHost allows you to upload a single-file wiki and save changes back to your file if you’re logged in, but it doesn’t support access by multiple users with separate accounts.

You could theoretically give your login information to as many users as you like—and I’ve done this before with a single trusted collaborator. But neither TW nor TiddlyHost prevent users from overwriting each other’s changes if they’re editing the wiki at the same time—in fact, you can do this yourself if you have the same file open in multiple browser tabs. And of course the more people have access to the file, the more you risk simultaneous edits and data loss. You would have to work out an informal check-out system through your own communication channels.

@session I think some solution is possible, but this is not easy to do with tiddlywiki out of the box. Survey results need to be saved outside the wiki, or if inside the wiki with unique tiddlers per user.

  • One problem with a single file wiki is you can only safely have one editor at a time. I could finish and save the wiki, then you are filling out the survey at the same time. Only the last save wins.
  • Multiuser wikis based on node are reasonable for Team work on a LAN with trusted users.

One solution I have investigated is compiling the users replys as a JSON and opening a send mail with the response as an attachment. It could be in a single user named data tiddler. Not perfect but workable.

  • The Wiki owner would then drop the attachment in a wiki using a mechanism to bring them into the wiki. Also reviewing to see if its valid.
  • The only impediment so far is using mime etc… to include the attachment in the email body, but the user also needs a default emailer responding to mailto://

No - you don´t want to give your login information to others - it has to work with an Access Control permission system

you can only safely have one editor at a time. I could finish and save the wiki, then you are filling out the survey at the same time. Only the last save wins.

Yes - this a problem i have not thought about

and besides this:

if someone has access AND editing rights to a specific tiddler file e.g. provided by a token , what could this person do to the other files on the server as well?
If a person has bad intentions could he inject bad code into this html file he has access to and harm other files as well? I guess yes - right?

is possible to pull content form different tiddlers into ONE tiddler ?

All the unique tiddlers per user could be pulled together into one which shows the Survey result ?

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So TiddlyHost has no Access Control permission system implemented right now. Is there a reason why this is not done jet … is it just that this code is not written jet - or is there an other reason as well?

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Yes, in its simplest for the master tiddler “transcludes” the other tiddlers, which imports [their] text field and displays it. <$transclude tiddler="tiddlername"/> but this can be done using list widgets.

  • If there is a collection you then want to export as a group you can do so, for later import
  • Further you could use a template to export a custom view of anything in tiddlywiki.

It does, it has public and private wikis and users and logins to your tiddler host account. This is limited compared to your original request, but it has basic one editor and multiple reader options. You can share the login but again one user can save over the others changes if not carful.

It is importiant to understand tiddlywiki can do almost anything, the only question is how much effort you need to put [into] it, to make it work. I have committed to using it as my key software tool, and thus know most of it. There are only a few places where it is difficult, but there is nearly always a work around.

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