Tiddly7 My Stupid Idea to Port Window 7css into tiddlywiki because why not

okay so, its very spotty so i wont be providing a link ignore the copious messages im workin on it lol. just wanted to show what is more a “Proof of concept” work here



the file dropdown and menubar work, but as one can imagine this is for now purely a proof of concept, no windows are not drag-able though that would be epic. the buttons do work. tags also sorta workScreenshot_20240909_194446

as a side note yes, this is entirely offline in true tiddlywiki fashion the required assets are embedded and the wiki to truly keep it as a classic TW5 instance.

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This might be a fun skin for @Mohammad’s Volantis!

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I thought about that but its not stable on newer versions of tw5, this is on 5.3.5 however obviously its do-able so that would 110% be possible! TiddlyWin7

I seem to remember someone did something like this back in the TW Classic days – Chris-something?

Perhaps @jeremyruston / @EricShulman can recall?

I’m pretty shocked nobody has ported 7.css to tiddlywiki5 yet honestly. Kinda shocked that I’m doing it. Or maybe some one has and I couldn’t find it

Chris Hunt (the Quine guy). I could very well be misremembering this, though.

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And btw, you should not be in fear of releasing it… just be sure to mention…


Your call…

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TiddlyWiki Aero lol

Looks cool, ngl. My childhood js happy

Hm. In the days of TWclassic- Wolfgang created groundless desktop.
I have not been able to find that one - only something @Maans did in danish based on that http://desktree.tiddlyspot.com/

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