Thinking outside the box, well outside TiddlyWiki - wiki tags


I have numerous tiddlywiki’s, as I expect many of us do. I was just building a way to facilitate setting the title and a few other parameters with little effort for test wikis at least, just to encourage myself to help keep track of my wikis.

While doing this I thought what if tiddlywikis robust tagging system could be applied to the wikis themself?

  • Perhaps a raw tiddler to introduce some tags or keywords that we can search for on our operating system of choice and return those values. Basically a way to peak inside a TiddlyWiki to extract some meta data we assigned.
  • Identify all html files that are tiddlywikis
    *All the better if we could have a tiddlywiki also search these, perhaps a kind of import that extracted a nominated set of tiddlers from any html file in tiddlywiki format.

What are your thoughts?


Anyone using smart methods to organise tiddlywiki files from within their Operating system environment or file system?

Recently I was forced to do a file contents search of tiddlywiki files in windows to find a missing macro and fortunately I had a unique string to search for.

I carefully name JSON files with a bundle of tiddlers so I can find them with search, and keep most if not all under a single top folder I can search.

Perhaps there is a better way. Please comment.

I think that’s a perfectly valid method to use.

Not sure about better, but I’ve ~recently started using my book TW system (mentioned elsewhere) to dogfood the tiddlers that go to make up the book TW system :upside_down_face: That’s a bundle of 652 tiddlers with god knows how many macros. The thing I like is to be able to comment and annotate to my heart’s content without touching the target tiddler itself. But that’s a lot of tiddlers and macros – I won’t finish it in this lifetime that’s for sure.

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I am sorry, I do not know what you mean here!

I do prefer “Drinking my own Champaign” than “eating ‘my own’ dog food”.

Of course, TiddlyWiki itself is a great example of dogfooding. TiddlyWiki is constructed using Tiddlywiki Tiddlers.

It’s tiddlers, all the way down. (well, almost).

Reminder that Mohammad has an indexer, allowing you to search all your tiddlers (well, key words) from a single host.


@Mark_S & I remember POLLY. @TW_Tones, frankly we could do all sorts of things with TW from the OS.

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@TW_Tones , FYI, I use still the older Riz (Firefox only) file save plugin as it allows OS launches.

@CodaCoder, I prefer catfood … King Crimson - Cat Food - YouTube

What? Aren’t they all?

I will revisit Polly for inspiration. Where can I find it?

Polly was in aid of improving the default save method, I have made some recent discoveries and have a much improved way to use the default save mechanism. I will share that soon.

This thread was to explore the tagging or Wikis (rather than tiddlers) but independent from the save mechanism (eg Polly) or searching and indexing etc… unless encrypted tiddlywiki is plain text so searching content from the OS is quite practical but could be assisted and wrapped with some tools.

Do share more of your thoughts @TiddlyTweeter

I have rebelled against that “metaphor” preferring Alternative terms, see below in the same Wikipedia post.

IBM’s “eating our own cooking” may be the most obvious.

Mark I use that, its great.

I need to load bob and open that wiki, as well as maintaining them. This is the ultimate.

I suppose in this thread I am trying to think outside tiddlywiki looking in. Although my focus was on single file tiddlywikis I suppose searching a nodeJS folder It would also work well, but then how do you get the OS to direct you to the active wiki for which you found a tiddler. What if we had a preview (with render) of such a found Node tiddler file?

Now there’s an idea… :thinking:

Riz (previous) saver (only FF) gave access to the OS. Basically I still use it to launch batch/com files directly from TW. TiddlyDesktop also allows this. The Node version also allows it, of course, but I’m much more interested in the singular TW.

Ask more if you want examples.


Mark S. … GitHub - Marxsal/polly: Batch file system to restore TiddlyWiki files from download directory to their original home directory

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It sounds like you want a script. The script would search the tiddlers, find the matching ones, form the permalink, and launch the browser.

There’s an app I haven’t looked at for awhile at . It lets you tag your file names (hashtag tags). Since tiddlers can have any name, you could use this technique to search and find files that are tagged in their file names.

You could even use the configuration path in node.js to automatically assign tags to the tiddler name as new tiddlers are imported.


@Mark_S tagspaces looks like a great solution which is broader than just managing tiddlywiki’s as files, or tiddlers as files. What would be be interesting if tiddlywiki could access (or import) the metadata that tagspaces stores about the files. Like what if we could use tagspaces to populate Mohammed’s indexer (or similar)

Me too TT, mostly because that’s where new users are most likely to start.

It seems to me Polly demonstrates a possibility we can migrate to if we can not achieve the OS interface we desire. If we can find a more integrated way, eg free tagspaces all the better, but it is great to know their remains untapped potential.

Co-incidentally. I am doing a Proof of Concept POC for a new tool to support the Default File Saver. Its key tricks include identifying when a wiki has being downloaded from its source location and opened at a file address, then saving this file address for future saves, when one goes to save, it copies the full path and filename to the clipboard, a ctrl-v allows “download” to the a saved file.

I am grateful @TiddlyTweeter you mention polly now, because it make clear that the time to organise a file for later search in the OS is when saving/downloading the file. This may also be the time to embed strings that can be searched from the OS in the wiki. Very helpful thank.

To think outside the box, it may be necessary to make changes inside the box.