Super simple Weekly Plan task list in TW?

Apologies in advance if this post is in any set up incorrectly, I am super new to TW and this site!

I am trying to create a super basic weekly task list in TW, all I need is a note with headings Monday - Sunday and below every heading it would have a checkbox. When I add some text to the checkbox and press Enter, it should create a new checkbox below.

Is this something that can be done? I’m aware of the <$checkbox> feature, but honestly that just looks a little messy while I’m editing, it also doesn’t create a new checkbox below it when pressing Enter. I used to have it all set up Joplin with “- [ ]” syntax.

You can give this a shot, if you just need something very barebones.

title: "$:/joe/stylesheets/plaintext-tasks"
tags: "$:/tags/Stylesheet"
<!-- Meta
Other: ▧▨ 🈩⧄⛋🞔☒⮽🗹☐

li.done {
	list-style-type: "☒  ";
	text-decoration: line-through;
	text-decoration-color: <<colour dirty-indicator>>;
li.defer {
	list-style-type: "▨  ";
	color: <<colour muted-foreground>>;
li.doing {
	list-style-type: "⧄  ";
li.doing::marker {
	font-size: 1.13em;
li.todo {
	list-style-type: "☐  ";
} {
	list-style-type: "";
"title": "2025-011-11 Tasks"
"tags": "Tasks"
*.todo task todo
*.doing task indev
*.done completed task

I borrowed this and modified it from telumire awhile back from his TW, Minimal CSS, I recommend it!

Edit: Ah, apologies, I read the rest of your post, and I believe this may be a bit too basic :sweat_smile:

Well, unless you wanted to copy/paste a pre-made tiddler once a week with the text:

!!! Monday

!!! Tuesday

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So I’m assuming I would need to manually amend the task from *.todo, to *.done once its been completed?

Honestly your second example is essentially what I want, something like the below:

!! Monday
[ ] this is an example task
[ ] (this checkbox is automatically created when I hit enter)

The problem with using <$checkbox> though is it seems to mess up the formatting by not allowing me to add tasks on a new line (when you are not in the editing mode). The above example is also much easier to read with [ ] acting as the checkbox, instead of the <$checkbox> syntax.

Yep that is correct, so this is effectively just a CSS hack to make an unordered list item (a bullet point) look like a checkbox by hiding the bullet point and placing a unicode character before the text you type, but does not have any sort of functionality like the <$checkbox> widget does.

Honestly, if you wanted a more dynamic method of task management, I would recommend either the task management example on the tiddlywiki homepage or using the Kara plugin by Mohammed

Both of which are actually very robust and fun to play with if you ever want to customize them!


Thanks Justin! I’ll take a look at these and see if I can figure out a new process.

I know that you want something minimalist but just in case you’re not aware of it, I highly recommend to use the Projectify plugin for task management, it works really well :slight_smile:

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sticky is simply: Stickies — lightweight todo system

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This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you for sharing @buggyj and thank you for creating @stobot!

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