Stroll updated to TW 5.2.5

Hi everyone

I updated Stroll, and its empty file, to TW version 5.2.5.

If you have Stroll, do to the TiddlyWiki upgrade Wizard ( and upgrade your file if you haven’t already. Save a backup before doing so, just to be safe.

Then go to, and drag the tag pill "$:/giffmex/stroll" to your file. This is so that one or two overwritten system tiddlers stay overwritten. The upgrade process “un-overwrites” them, so dragging the pill “re-overwrites” them.


Stroll is very nice indeed.

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Thanks for the encouragement, Nick!

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Since early 2022, I’ve been trying various techniques for note-taking. I’ve tried Stroll, Streams, and Sections. Unfortunately, the best tool so far is something else.

One problem with Stroll (and I think Streams and Sections, but I would have to check) is that it prevents the ability to paste images in-place. Well, actually, it seems to be comptext that is blocking. For note-taking, especially from a video tutorial, image capture is invaluable.

A work-around for this would be to add an option to the Stroll editor options pop-up the ability to quickly turn off auto-completion. This could be done by toggling the value of $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/text/vnd.tiddlywiki between text and comptext.


Haven’t forgotten you Mark S! But it’s budget, plan and tax time. Hopefully this Saturday.

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When making notes, it’s helpful to be able to create a new note without spending a lot of time setting up meta data. For instance, it’s common to want all notes in a series of notes to share a tag for quick extraction later. If you overwrite the actions macro of $:/.giffmex/ViewToolbar/new-note-here with the following, new linked notes will share tags and fields.

\define actions()
<$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<journalTitle>> tags={{!!tags}} text="""* [[$(tid)$]]""">
<$list filter="[all[current]fields[]] -type -text -title -modified -created" variable="field">
  <$action-setfield $field=<<field>> $tiddler=<<createTiddler-title>> $value={{{ [all[current]get<field>] }}} />
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-tiddler" $param=<<createTiddler-title>> />

Hi Mark,

  1. The editcomptext is not a necessary part of Stroll. You could delete it if it is interfering with other things you want to do with Stroll.

  2. I am not sure how you are pasting images or what you are running into, but you could escape the bulleted list by hitting return twice, paste the image and wrap with [img[ and ]], and then restart the bulleted list again.

Interesting tip! I don’t think this is something I will implement in Stroll. I was focused on emphasizing links in Stroll and ignoring tags. I only use tags in certain situations so I don’t run into this, really. When I do, I just open the ‘more’ icon in the view toolbar and choose the standard TW new-here button.

The weakness of the “links-only” approach is that there is no way to quickly separate two sets of notes. Imagine you have notes on “The Gospel of John” and “Murder on the Orient Express”. You can keep two sets of notes on disparate topics and quickly share them or move them without fear of mixing.

When I attempt to paste images from the clipboard (the actual image, not a link to an image) with comptext on, nothing pastes, and there is no import dialog.

Just so we’re on the same page here. Several editions of TW ago it became possible to paste images (like from a website) directly into the tiddler you are editing. This brings up an import box. After you import, the link to the imported image tiddler is created right where you were editing. Comptext appears to defeat this new ability.

Are you using the latest version of the plugin?

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I’m using whatever version Dave has in Stroll. If you’re saying it works … guess I’ll test some more.