Solution to Unable Paste into tiddlers a folder or file links copied from file managers

I have been using TW5 with Tiddly Desktop for several months and recently found I was unable to Paste into tiddlers any folder or file links copied from my various file managers I use in Ubuntu Linux.

After narrowing it to just a TW5 issue I assume it may be a conflict arising from some recent macro or plugin I added but could not track it down.

Working Solution I Found - COPYING LINKS from file manager = Paste using "Paste as Plain Text’’ right click option or Ctl Shift V.

Pasted this in case it helps someone else who has same issue. If suitable maybe add to Tips &Tricks (T&T) but posted here first following T&T guidelines. I did search discussions first and general Google so apology in advance if it was already covered. It was not a forcing import issue as in Help figuring out a paste problem