Slow saving on Tiddlyhost

My hosted wiki weights 2,1 MB. I’m going to expand it greatly.

Loading or reloading the whole wiki takes ~30 sec.

Each saving takes ~25 sec (with enabled autosave).

It would be ok but there are annoying errors while editing tiddlers during this savings. First request is handled with status 204. Second request launched while first is still in progress is handled with status 412 and a message:

The site has been updated since you first loaded it. Saving now would cause those updates to be overwritten.

Try reloading and then reapplying your changes.

So it’s not clear whether my recent changes are applied or not.

I’m using Windows 11, Chrome 129.

There is a known issue with windows on tiddlyhost. Where are you loading your site from?

When your wiki really is big adding a splash screen is wise, and externallising images and other content may be needed but even a 4mb wiki should load fast.

What do you mean by asking where? I’d created that wiki on tiddlyhost from the scratch.

Since you did not restate it was tiddlyhost in your post I overlooked it in the heading. A quick search would have directed you to this unresolved issue Tiddlyhost saving problems for Windows users

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Thanks for the report. I’m not 100% sure, but the 412 is probably because the one save was not finished when another save started, as you guessed.

If your TiddlyWiki is large and taking a long to time save, then I’d suggest you turn off autosave. You should save manually when you finish making a few changes, and then wait for the save to complete before saving again.

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Well, that’s what I did. But a habit of not concerning about savings had been already formed :slight_smile: So I’ve lost changes a couple of times. Hope you’ll be able to resolve a problem with Windows users soon or later.

The browser storage plugin can be helpful to avoid losing data when you have autosave disabled.

Changes are saved to local storage automatically with every edit. If you forget to save to Tiddlyhost, the changes will load from local storage the next time you visit.

The browser storage plugin is an official tiddlywiki plugin. I have an “opinionated” wrapper plugin which IMO makes it a little more usable out of the box.

You can play with the two plugins here: My TiddlyWiki — a non-linear personal web notebook

To install it, drag the two plugins from that wiki’s control panel into your TiddlyHost wiki.

My memory is fuzzy on this, but you might need to save and reload twice in order to get the RawMarkup portion of the core browser storage plugin to take effect.


Thanks a lot for your advice, I’ll try it.