Simple Progress Pie Chart in TiddlyWiki

Sometimes for showing progress ( like task done, words learned, project steps finished …) in TiddlyWiki you need a simple macro and don’t want to go for heavy sophisticated JS.

Attached is a solution based on Oliviale great solution:

How to use

  1. download attached JSONpiechart.json (33.3 KB)

  2. drag and drop into your wiki (for test use

  3. open the PieChart Examples. See examples and edit as you like.

To create a new piechar just call the macro as below

<<piechart pct>>  

pct is a number from 1 to 100. For example <<piechart 55>> . See below image for piecharts with 25, 55 and 78 percent progress.


Hi Tones!
The post is a Wiki! So edit and improve it as you like

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Hi, There are 2 problems I can see with this solution.

  • It adds a 33kByte compressed (unreadable for humans) CSS for something that can be done with about 25 lines of CSS
  • The pie-chart can’t be printed

I did play around some time ago with pie-charts, because I did find a nice gist at github, that I thought would be nice for TW. The whole thing will need a bit of polishing.

Eg: At the moment it only shows percent values. It doesn’t do any maths eg: 23 steps should fill the cycle to 100% …

That is true! @Alvaro gave me a much simpler solution, it has few options but it works! (It is based on conic-gradient() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN)

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The version I did play with uses: stroke-dasharray - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics | MDN and SVGs to draw the circle.

Just now I commented you about the version surely was done by @pmario . The svg are rasterized better than conic-gradient.
Somebody can add mor options with more lines, but he/she use less lines than the older solution that use a custom css for 100 values (unminified CSS is 600 - 1000 lines depends on version)

Pedantic note, this looks like a donut chart to me, not a pie chart, since it has the middle cut out. I know the author calls it a pie chart, and I’m not sure there’s any Chart Authority to declare what the “official” names are, but I think this is a pretty widely accepted distinction.

Donut charts are easier to read than pie charts IMO, especially if there are a bunch of slices to compare, so sweet – just surprised me to see the picture after the subject line!

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@sobjornstad the post is a wiki, so edit as you like!