Sharing curated TiddlyWiki "editions" for others to use on Tiddlyhost

If you have a custom TiddlyWiki setup that you maintain and would like to share with others via Tiddlyhost, please see these new docs about how to do it.

And if you want to see the currently available editions, browse the templates list here. As you can see there’s not much there yet since this a brand new feature, but I’m hoping that will change over time.

Ps, thanks everyone for the feedback on the previous post about cloning support. This new templates feature came from the “what about cloning other people’s sites” discussion there.


I have a suggestion: it would be great to be able to set a filter for the template, to be able to show some tiddlers in the original wiki that are not cloned when the wiki is used as a template.

E.g :

In a tiddler nammed $:/TemplateFilter : -[tag[showcase]]

That way, all the tiddlers tagged with the tag showcase will not be cloned when someone want to use the wiki as a template.

This would be very useful for wiki used as a blog for example, a visitor may want to clone the wiki, but after than he would need to manually delete all the blog post of the wiki before being able to use it for himself.

In effect, such a filter would make the cloning produce a “empty” edition of the wiki.

I humbly disagree. Showcase tiddlers have their use even in a cloned wiki. For example, they can serve as base tiddlers which users can modify and enhance, or as docs.

Users can delete them manually themselves, using filters.

Yeah, it’s an interesting idea. It also might be nice to be able to strip out ephemeral data like tab states that doesn’t really belong in a edition template.

I don’t have a plan or a vision for this stuff, but some ideas:

  • If you’re a serious edition maintainer you might choose to have some automated way to build your edition empty file so it contains just want you want and nothing else, then upload it to directly to Tiddlyhost.
  • Another way to deal with this could be to have a separate “someedition-showcase” that includes demo data, and “someedition-empty”. For GTD apps this makes sense, since adding a few demo projects and actions is useful for a demo, but not what you want in the empty file.
  • Depending on the edition maintainer’s workflow, it might be possible to create the empty version by exporting just the right list of tiddlers from the main showcase. I expect there’s many ways to do it. If you find a good method, then please share!
  • A user of an edition might like to know how to best “upgrade” when the edition is updated. So we should think about what the procedure might be and how to document it.

This may often be the case, but not always. A tiddler containing information that is about the wiki where it published may confuse if included in the clone.

  • Just give them a clear/delete button preconfigured so its an option. Don’t make them do the work.
  • Perhaps pack “test/demo data in a plugin” and highlight the disable plugin button.

This is better.

(Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,)

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Well for now I have a “download empty” button, is it already possible to make it create a new wiki when a connected tiddlyhost user click the button ? If not I understand, this is a very niche usercase so it shouldn’t be a priority !

That’s what I intend to do eventually, but it still would require user to manually delete useless tiddler which is sub-optimal (but admittedly not a big deal, for sure).

I dont believe that new user would be able to do that with filters tho.

No, that’s not practical as far as I can see. A savvy user could take the downloaded empty and then upload it into an existing Tiddlyhost site, but it’s not very convenient compared to a one-click clone button.

I mentioned this somewhere already, but the url to clone a site is an easy one. You could provide a link for users to click, e.g. [Create on Tiddlyhost|].

Thinking more about the filter idea, I can imagine some configuration in the site site settings that specifies which tiddlers should be included and excluded when cloning. That would work pretty well I think, but maybe for later. Right now I want to keep it simple.


True. Also, it will improve the onboarding experience.

One little suggestion, @simon. When creating a TW, generate recommendations for the name field. If you have used apps like Netlify, they do this. (Github also does it when a new user tries to create a repository.)

It’s a minor addition but helps immensely in onboarding.

Also, say I want to create an example TW to demo some stuff. This TW has no long-term goal. But what if I hoard a valuable name unintentionally when picking a name for that one-time TW? Adding a button that generates a random name may fix this issue.

Today, I created a TW on TH and manually named it this way, just to ensure I do not reserve a meaningful name.