Seeking YOUR requirement's for extended Import Handling


I have built in the past a few import tools, I am now looking to consolidate into a solution I will share. I Just wanted to invite you to request or outline some requirements that I may include in such a solution. I am confident I have most of the technical methods I need so no need to provide the “how to” (unless I ask),

Please let me know what you would like to add to the import process;

Of note is there are two key types on intervention in the import process, please consider which is applicable to your requirement;

  • Pre-import - before the tiddlers have being created
  • Post import - Once the tiddlers are imported

Here are examples of post import features

Here are examples of pre-import features

  • Save Imported as re-installable
  • Add prefix to all tiddlers

I have more ideas but I want to hear from you. Also let me know if you like one of my or other contributors ideas, we always like encouragement :nerd_face:

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I would like to add/remove tag/fields and prefix/suffix to titles selectively

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I like a button to bundle them as a plugin! or bundle.

Thanks for the feedback;

I can achieve all your requested suggestions @Mohammad, I just have some design considerations.

What follows is a technical discussion for those interested in collaborating.

The post import process allows me to obtain the list of tiddlers imported. It is simple to allow all tiddlers to have a tag, suffix or prefix applied. However to select a subset needs a selection list, then we apply to selection not all tiddlers.

For selective application

  • I wonder if we could provide the list to another tool that allready provides this?
  • Simultaneously or Alternatively I could provide a selection tool - It may be much easier to do so now we have the listField option on the checkbox widget.
    • There would be two lists, one for the imported tiddlers, and one for the selected tiddlers, to which to have a tag, suffix or prefix applied.
    • Again one we have the selected list perhaps we just pass this to another tool, eg an enhanced $:/Manager

For pre-import

  • Operating on tiddlers within the import (JSON) before import is a little more complex, although not impossible.
    • At a minimum adding a “unique” prefix here is very useful as you could import the same thing a number of times, one could then use the post import tools to further modify the tiddlers.

Both are on my list but do you want them pre or post Import, or both?

  • Its trivial on Pre-import but achievable if a little more complex on post import.
  • Again I wonder if the list (as a filter) were passed to an independent tool designed for bundling or “plugification” of any filtered list may be better? eg on the advanced search filter tab an icon to save the listed items to a plugin or bundle?

4 posts were split to a new topic: Compressing Images befor Importing into a Tiddler

Here is a feature I would use:

  • automatically add attachment to IPFS

Maybe you could show a warning if the imported tiddler is larger than e.g. 1 MByte? Of course, this could/should be configurable.

It will give a heads up when I drop huge images on my TW.

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That is like I’d use. But I’d want to …

  • Custom Tag imported items by Specific Import …


I import in batches. Each batch with a single purpose.

Being able to tag all items in a single import with a custom tag (interactively asked for & applied?) would give a lot of benefit & simplification later (to organise; to delete etc)?

Just a comment, TT

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Commander allows you to tag batch imports.

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I also like to keep track of my import “batches” and think we should include the tagging facility. I need not “second guess” the ways people will make use of a way to tag incoming tiddlers at import. Its about enabling features and then users and designers alike will innovate on top of this.

  • Ass was raised the ability to select some or all tiddler to apply a tag to may be helpful.

However I have considered this issue about tracking imports and import batches and to me this may be best served by first allowing imports to be captured in “Import record tiddlers” that contains the “when, where and what” of each import including the list of tiddlers imported. The imported tiddlers can thus retain their original created and modified dates.

  • I was thinking if we could apply an import-date field with timestamps off except these would be exported in tiddlers, so perhaps the import history could be recorded in a searchable log, not the tiddlers themselves?

On Import, Commander shows a button for batch operation!
On click Commander is opened and you can do many batch operations like

  • add/remove tags
  • add/remove fields
  • selective operation
  • add/remove title prefix/suffix
  • search and replace in any fields including title
  • delete some of imported tiddlers
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Thanks Mohammad. I will review and concider it along side other features being raised. Of course I will avoid reinventing the wheel and may intergrate features or propose additions to commander.

Love your work.

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Recently I noted @linonetwo has implemented ItonNote which integrates part of Commander. It shows buttons on the tiddler and you can do some batch operation. See TW5 CPL Wiki — TiddlyWiki5 Plugin Library for TiddlyWiki Chinese Communities (


Really? I didn’t realize I had done that, haha. ItonNote is just a bundle of setup, extracted from my wiki to be reuseable…


I supervised with ItonNote/Aggregation View plugins! I love the buttons for filter search / on the fly creation of sidebar tab / batch operation …

Hmmm, may be off-topic, but reimporting exported CSV from TW will be nice. Export as CSV creates valid CSV with all required contents and fields and its annoying when it cannot be reimported.

Look at the JSON Mangler plugin, it imports csv into a nice interface even before converting it to tiddlers in a plugin.

yes a little off topic, try my suggestion and start a new topic

Thanks, for the record this is a Post Import button.

I think this is a valuable addition however if I want to give the user an import record I need to look at integrating it a little tighter. eg Using commander to add a prefix to each tiddler results in an import record with missing tiddlers.

  • Perhaps I detect if $:/plugins/kookma/commander is not present and present advice to install for extensive batch control if needed.
  • Commander is an “all bells and whistles batch change tool” which is extensive and here I am trying to extend a specific process “the import”.

I tried to see what you mean with no success.

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From CPL install Aggregations / ItonNote and optionally other subplugins for Aggregations
Then open the sidebar tab for batch operation

This is a library for CPL?
Unfortunately save and reload I get Error: Cannot load tiddlywikicore-5.2.2.js