Ten Ways to Drag and Drop Tiddlers to Tiddlywiki Revisited

Drag and drop contents into Tiddlywiki for importing and exporting contents is one of the amazing features of Tiddlywiki. This feature it is not known to many as it deserved. It needs more love.

To bring the power into attention I asked the above question, and I am looking forward to seeing how others use this feature!

Revisiting Ten Ways to Drag and Drop Tiddlers to Tiddlywiki (google.com)

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I, like many others, am very excited about the powerful and convenient drag and drop feature in TW.

I would have 2 more ideas to improve the comfort:

  1. Generating an externalimage when importing an image/PDF-URL.

Currently, when importing a link to a PDF or image, the import dialog creates a text tiddler containing the link as text. It would be nice to get a PDF or JPEG tiddler with the link as _canonical_uri instead.
Something to consider would be if this could be triggered via rules or a button. Alternatively I could imagine an exit in the import script that you could design yourself.

  1. Import of a sub-branch of a toc including all tiddlers referenced therein into another tiddlywiki.

We had covered the filter function for such sub-branches in the context of search. See #26 and #28.

There seems to me to be at least two ways to handle this;

  • The file uploads plugin also uploads the file
  • Just assume the file is there and populate the _canonical_uri with filename or folder/filename and assume the image is there.
    • Needs an import mechanism modification and option OR dedicated dropzone.

Let me explain my scenario for the 1st idea above in a bit more detail:
I manage thousands of photos with Adobe Ligthroom. After developing, I export the photos as JPGs to a large folder with many subfolders.
I have now made this folder accessible with a lightweight web server. For my documentations with the help of TW I want to use some of my JPGs. For this it would be nice if I could simply drag and drop the JPGs I want into my TW, automatically creating an ExternalImage with an URI pointing to the JPG on my web server that I could then use in various tiddlers.
The same applies to documents (PDFs) that I manage in my document management system. “Bridge tiddlers” could be created for these as well during import.
I don’t want to upload these files, because otherwise the wiki would become too big.

I also think it would be best to place an option in the import dialog: (Create ExternalImage). Alternatively, you could create an import rule: “Create ExternalImage if URL ends with jpg or pdf.”

@TW_Tones : Can you consider my suggestion in your thread Seeking YOUR requirement's for extended Import Handling?

Sorry I can’t find anything from you, xgadscu in that thread?

Sorry, I must have expressed myself a little misleadingly.
In your thread you ask for ideas to improve the import. Drag and drop is being discussed here. However, my scenario above ultimately leads to an enhancement of the import as well.
My question now is: will you take that into consideration or can you give me tips on how to customize the import for me.

Thanks for all your great work here

I will take it into account, but if you want a quicker solution continue looking.

  • People have built their own drop area to so something like you ask
  • The “File Uploads” work can do this to a WebDav server.

At most on this current project I may look at the mechanism but not necessarily provide a solution for what you ask.