Refnotes and auto-completion


can I use auto-completion with the Refnotes plugin by @Mohammad ?

I typical import my references as a .bib-file with the official bibtex importer plugin and this converts every entry in the BibTeX file into a single tiddler. For example if @Mohammad would write a book about Refnotes then the title of the tiddler would be mohammad_refnotes_2021. If I then want to cite the book I have to write <<ref mohammad_refnotes_2021>>.

Right now I use the CodeMirror-Enhanced by Ke Wang and @linonetwo plugin for auto-completion with WikiText links. But this requires to type [[ to get auto-completion. Is there a way to modify the CodeMirror-Enhanced plugin to also get auto-completion if I type <<ref ? Perfect would be if it only shows titles which are tagged with bibtext-entry (all tiddlers which are imported by the bibtex importer).

Or is there a shortcut to get auto-completion without tipping [[?


@Taltessy - I have not used auto-completion tools! But @Sttot is here in the forum and can have a look!

By the way, note that the <<ref mohammad_refnotes_2021>> can also be used like

<<ref [[mohammad_refnotes_2021]]>> so I think you should be still able to use the CodeMirror-Enhanced.

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See tutorial and examples

I use the shortcut key ctrl+L so I can have <<ref [[amadeo1995949]]>>

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Hi, I’m the creator of CodeMirror-Enhanced project. Thanks for supporting my plugin. You can use <<ref [[mohammad_refnotes_2021]]>> like @Mohammad said as a temporary solution. My plugin, while only providing tiddler complements for now (and the upcoming snippet feature), does have the intention of providing expandable complements for various macros and widgets. But this will take some time, so there is no better solution than @Mohammad 's for now. Thanks for your support!

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I also do this, except I modified my insert link button to insert only the tiddler title without the [[ ]].

See this discussion on how they modified their search results list to include bibliographic entries. Search results lists appear in the “create wikitext list” dropdown too.

If you’re interested in other plugins, the edit-comptext plugin does exactly what you want: completion with <<macro ", and custom filters to only show subset of tiddlers. But it unfortunately doesn’t work (and isn’t meant to work) with Codemirror :((((.

I prefer having Codemirror than cool autocompletion, so I use ctrl+L instead like @Mohammad.