Query: Who Are The Admins?

I got hazy (unclear) about who here is my person to go to for questions about Discourse for TW …?

Do we have a list of admins?

Just a query, TT

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Would it not be good to list you all up-front!

A thought, TT

PS: I assume @twadmin is a generic reach-out?

Rest assured, your questions are important to us and due consideration will be given to you in due course.

--------- some time later ----------

We respectfully decline your request since you would then witness the secret handshake and that, as I’m sure you are aware, is a big no-no.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter.


The answer is, everyone in the admins group.

If you go into search, and type in “admin”, it shows posts as well as some groups:

Screen Shot 2022-07-08 at 10.37.47 AM

As well, the About page that is auto generated by Discourse lists various things. The about page is linked from the main drop down menu:

Screen Shot 2022-07-08 at 10.46.29 AM

The admins group is browseable by logged in members here: https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/g/admins

It’s ALMOST the same as moderators https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/g/moderators@jeremyruston is a moderator but NOT an admin (so he doesn’t have to learn more about Discourse settings).

Admins can change all Discourse settings, Moderators have slightly lower privileges and we can be more flexible about adding more moderators as needed.

Yes, @twadmin is a super user admin account that I set up so that there was immediately a “not me” account that could.

If we wanted to explain this more, the completely default “FAQ” page might be the place to edit FAQ - Talk TW

Also, hello all, I know I’ve been absent for a while, and will continue to be. I haven’t had anyone email me directly in a panic so I assume things aren’t completely on fire :slight_smile:


@boris welcome back!

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Ciao @boris. That is helpful!

My query remains , when a person first comes to Our Discourse do they see a list of addresses to write to for solving issues?

I’m thinking mainly of early issues a lot of users seem to have.


- I -

know how to get attention .

What about everyone else?

Just a comment, TT

We could make a pinned comment at the top of the site with intros to the admins?

I think that a good suggestion! TT

I did add a link to the site moderators at: Welcome to the Talk @ TiddlyWiki, a Discourse powered forum, which can be seen and mentioned with @moderators if users are logged in.