Welcome to the Talk @ TiddlyWiki, a Discourse powered forum

Welcome! Talk @ TiddlyWiki is our new community discussion forum for continuing the years of great conversations we’ve had. It’s a more permanent home for the TW community, including the ability for us to customize, tweak it, and configure it.

Please use the #meta category for site feedback and any other site related suggests you’d like to make.

If you are logged in you can see the Moderators of this group. You can mention them with @moderators … BUT … be aware that mentioning groups, will message them all. So please do not spam us.

@boris has made an initial post with a few customizations that have been made so far:

As you can see, Discourse can handle a form of transclusion, and it does backlinks, too!


3 posts were split to a new topic: Meta discussion about bullets