Query on use of "contentTypesFilter" parameter in Dropzone

How does the “contentTypesFilter” parameter in Dropzone works ? Can it be defined such that BOTH “text/html” and “text/plain” are imported by the dropzone ? Setting contentTypesFilter="[prefix[text]]" doesn’t seems to do that, the dropzone seems to import only one of either types, depending on the browser.

Background : I’m importing browser’s file directory screen content, among other things, via TW dropzone. BOTH “text/html” and “text/plain” contents are useful for this purpose. The “text/html” content is often more useful because it contains embedded file links that I can extract. But other times, only “text/plain” content is available.

TW import
If I copy a chunk of screen contents from the browser’s file directory screen and paste into an empty porton of TW, both “text/html” and “text/plain” contents are available in TW normal import. That’s good and is an alternative if I can’t get the dropzone to do the same.

With my dropzone defined like this:

<$dropzone importTitle="DirDrop_import" contentTypesFilter="[prefix[text]]" actions="..." >

pasting the same chunk of screen contents on the dropzone, “Chrome on Chromebook” and “Edge on Windows” import the “text/html” content, but “Firefox on Windows” import the “text/plain” content. If I explicitly set contentTypesFilter="text/html", “Firefox on Windows” will import the “text/html” content I need, but I also need the dropzone to support “text/plain” for other pasted contents. Is there a way to get the dropzone to import BOTH “text/html” and “text/plain” like TW import ? I suspect the answer is no, but maybe there is something about the “contentTypesFilter” parameter that could do the trick?

Which TW version do you use?

It should be possible, I’ll have a closer look at the code.

Did you try to set the deserializer parameter to text/plain or text/html?

See: https://tiddlywiki.com/#DropzoneWidget

Which TW version do you use?
TW 5.3.1. The browsers’ version should be the latest.

Did you try to set the deserializer parameter to text/plain or text/html ?
No, didn’t specify the deserializer parameter. I can give that a try and see how it goes. The default dropzone settings work well for me so far, except for this “Firefox on Windows”.

Hi @pmario,

With the dropzone defined like this:


“Chrome on chromebook”, “Edge & Firefox on Windows” will import “text/html” whenever there is html content, but not “text/plain”. If there is no “text/html” content, then “text/plain” is imported instead. This is NOT the same behavior as TW Import which imports both. But this happens to work out for my purpose :slightly_smiling_face:, i.e. import as “text/html” if available, else import as “text/plain”.

With deserializer="text/plain", the behavior is exactly the same as deserializer="text/html" on the same three browsers I tried. I would think that it would only import “text/plain”, but “text/html” is still imported when available ??

My issue is resolved for now. Do let me know if you are continuing to investigate and need any testings.


That’s probably a bug in the js-code. I’ll have a look. I think the default $:/Import mechanism had a bug, that I did fix for 5.2.7 or so. I have a feeling, that the “dropzone” widget may have the same problem. But more investigation is needed. I’ll crate a GH issue

I see. Thanks a lot for the very prompt assistance !! Much appreciated :slight_smile:

Do you have a working wiki, with which we can replicate the problem?

As far as I can see in the source code, the contentTypesFilter is only active if files are imported. The deserializer should be always active.

I can remember, that for some elements FireFox only has text/plain in the event.clipboardData.items object.

But for testing this, it will be needed to have a working wiki to be able to replicate the exact situation.

Sure, let me cleanup this one I’m working on and put it up. Almost done anyway.

Hi @pmario,

I was cleaning up my TW file, and found I couldn’t replicate the “success” I had earlier with “Firefox on Windows” ?!? It’s back to the original state i.e. "If I paste the browser’s directory screen contents on dropzone in “Firefox on Windows”, “text/plain” content is being imported. When I do the same on “Chrome on Chromebook” and “Edge on Windows”, “text/html” content is being imported.”

I couldn’t traced back to account for the difference, and now wonder if the change from contentTypesFilter="text/html" was actually effective.

To verify, I duplicate my dropzone (below) in an empty TW5.3.1 file

	margin:4px auto;
	border:2px dotted green;
.jsontiddler-dropzone:focus {
	background: #fffedd;

			<div class="jsontiddler-dropzone" tabindex=1>
				''Directory Dropzone'' : Click and paste directory listing from browser here

If I paste the browser’s directory screen content on this dropzone in clean TW5.3.1 file, both the “text/html” and “text/plain” contents are imported !!!

So this may just be an issue with the particular TW file I had. I will port over the content to an empty TW5.3.1 file and test it further myself.

In the meantime, I would not want to waste your weekend further to look into this. Apology for all the trouble. WIll get back.

Oh OK, I missed out the dropzone’s actions that import the contents immediately using tm-perform-import:

	margin:4px auto;
	border:2px dotted green;
.jsontiddler-dropzone:focus {
	background: #fffedd;

				<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-perform-import" $param=<<importTitle>>/>
				<$action-setfield $tiddler="@VirtualDirInput" inputDirectory="" />
				<$action-setfield inputDirectory=""/>
				<$action-setfield selectedFiles='' />
				<$action-setfield AllFilesPreselected="yes" />
			<div class="jsontiddler-dropzone" tabindex=1>
				''Directory Dropzone'' : Click and paste directory listing from browser here

''Directory:'' <a href="file:///C:/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">@@background-color:lightcyan; &nbsp;&nbsp; C:/ &nbsp;&nbsp; @@</a>

Without tm-perform-import, both “text/html” and “text/plain” are presented for import preview which is identical to TW Import.

With tm-perform-import that immediately import the contents, somehow the dropzone imports only “text/html” on “Chrome on Chromebook” and “Edge on Windows”, and only “text/plain” on “Firefox on Windows”. The code fragments above is consistent with my TW file.

I need to go. It’s past midnight here, will check back tomorrow.

That’s very interesting. It says “text/plain” but it does import type: text/html There’s definitely something going on.

More testing needed. But it will take some time.

Just for completeness there is another way to import using the browse widget this also permits a deserializer and conveniently extensions and MIME types.

The main reasons I use it so far is to;

Provide a button which only lists my desired filetypes for import .json, .tid, .txt, .csv

\whitespace trim
<span class="tc-file-input-wrapper browse-button">
<$browse multiple accept={{!!extensions}} tooltip={{{ [[Search for and Import one or more files with the extensions]] [{!!extensions}] +[join[  ]] }}}/>
  • With the extensions in the field extensions. .json, .tid, .txt, .csv
  • Also note the browse multiple allows you to import more than one at a time.

I also use it to import JSON tiddlers containing tiddlers as a single tiddler rather the separate tiddlers within;

  • Just add to the above deserializer="text/plain" to force the import to text.

I read that to meant importing files using the browse widget in lieu of a dropzone. Thanks for the input, I have not use the “browse” function so far, and note it for future use.

I was too focus on my problem and didn’t elaborate on my application. The dropzone I’m using is for copying screen and file contents thru the clipboard, to extract file/URL links from the html/text contents and import into TW, shared here previously: Importing local file links by copying browser’s directory listing screen content into Tiddlywiki - Discussion - Talk TW. File importing is a small part of it, but thank you for the comment.

I am very interested in your work there, but have not being able to look in detail yet.