I’ve been working away at trying to make a visual editor to allow editing Tiddler content with a WYSIWYG interface. I’ve made Prosary and it’s now at a point where it’s mostly useable.
There are two goals I had for this editor:
- Edit existing Tiddlers with the visual editor (it does this by converting the content into the visual editor format).
- Support WikiText within the visual editor. Initially as plain WikiText that is rendered as a preview within the editor. And later as custom visual components (eg use a dialog to select another Tiddler to transclude).
Right now the content gets converted from WikiText and then saved into a data structure that Prosary understands natively. In the future I would like to save the content as WikiText too. This is a challenge because TipTap (the underlying WYSIWYG editor) may support formats that can’t be displayed in WikiText (and vice versa).
Let me know if you find this useful or any feedback. I’m on the fence as to whether to keep going on this or try to simplify it to only a syntax highlighter for WikiText that includes in-line previews for macros, widgets, and transcludes.