Please help! Final checks for bug fix release v5.3.5

We are planning a bug fix release v5.3.5 to resolve some issues we have discovered in v5.3.4.

I intend to make the release on Monday. That gives us three days to give it a thorough testing:

It is frustrating that we found so many problems within days of the release of v5.3.4. It suggests that as a community we are not doing a good job of testing these new releases.

There is no question that the best way to flush out problems with a release is for as many users as possible to make a test upgrade of as many wikis as possible.

So, I would really appreciate as much attention on this as we can manage. Letā€™s try to avoid the ignominy of having to make a further v5.3.6 bug fix releaseā€¦


Thank you for addressing these bugs so quickly! Iā€™m afraid I didnā€™t do my due diligence testing the last prerelease, but this one seems to fix (ETA: does not fix) the only issue Iā€™d encountered with 5.3.4 so far (a non-fatal ā€˜Script errorā€™ RSOE when deleting tiddlers in my most highly-customized wikiā€¦ possibly related to the $data bug that #8333 resolves? I hadnā€™t documented it well enough to reportā€”and in any case, it appears to be fixed now.) I will keep testing!

May I also suggest either pinning this announcement or editing the previous pinned thread with a link to the prerelease and perhaps the prerelease upgrade site?

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I too had recently experienced some javascript errors in trying to delete tiddlers, but it didnā€™t occur to me to connect it with the new release. Will poke around some moreā€¦

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FWIW, Iā€™ve briefly tested on my complex two main wikis and see no issues.

@jeremyruston , I think we should always include this link in these pre-release announcements (if you have an announcement template, consider revising it):

Apropos this recurring probem with bug-fixes just after the main release, I think it is partly a consequence of the semiannual release cycle that typically introduces so many goodies. Iā€™m happy with this frequency but I wonder if the versioning form is not optimal for it. Maybe the semiannual release should be 5.3.40 and bugfix releases 5.3.41, or 5.3.4a ā†’ 5.3.4b etc?

Or maybe the last segment only could signify the bugfix so we actually do 5.34.1 where 34 is the semiannual release and the 1 is the bugfix/tweaking. So we semiannually celebrate 5.34 and thatā€™s the official number (no need to modify any release banner).

When editing a plugin and mistakenly removing a comma inside the json structure I get an RSOE. Iā€™m curious why this would happen in edit mode? Is it a bug or to be expected?

The only way I can imagine 8333 is to blame is if you have <$data $filter=...> widgets in your wiki. If you donā€™t then it very likely is a different issue.

Did it happen easily enough that you can test again with 5.3.4 and find a more definitive clue?

Same question. Were you trying the <$data $filter=...> widget?

Yes, it happens every time I delete a tiddler from the story river. Iā€™d thought there might be some connection because your $data widget bug seemed to affect missing tiddlers. But I hadnā€™t managed to track down the root cause of the error Iā€™m getting, so Iā€™m really just guessing. Iā€™ll clean out as much unrelated content as I can and put a copy up on TiddlyHost in case anyone would like to take a look.

ETA: May take longer than Iā€™d expectedā€¦ in the process of removing ā€œunrelatedā€ plugin content, I also seem to have eliminated the error in my testing wiki. (Perhaps this happened inadvertently while I was testing the prerelease as well? Itā€™s worth noting, I think, that I started encountering the delete error when I upgraded to 5.3.4; Iā€™d been using the same set of plugins without issue in 5.3.3.) Iā€™ll keep looking.

Youā€™re right - and not an issue resolved by the current prerelease. I seem to have accidentally ā€œremovedā€ the issue in the lighter version of my wiki I was using for testing. The feature-complete version still has the same error in 5.3.5-pre.

Hereā€™s a live demo of the error Iā€™m encountering:

While testing to see which plugins I could safely remove, I discovered that removing TiddlyMap also seems to ā€œsolveā€ the problem. I hadnā€™t had any issues with it prior to the 5.3.4 upgrade, and had not made any changes to TiddlyMap or my page layout since upgrading.

This error is thrown in title: $:/plugins/felixhayashi/tiddlymap/js/AbstractRefEdgeTypeSubscriber which is an uglified library. Libraries like this show up as 1 line in the debugger.

So there is no easy way to find out what really causes the problem. But itā€™s the plugin.

It would be helpful if you could test TiddlyMap with an otherwise uncustomized empty.html and see if the error still occurs. I am not familiar enough with TiddlyMap to be able to do that in a meaningful manner.

I did some more test and TiddlyMap does not work since v5.3.1, where it started to show initialization problems.

TW v5.3.4 loads it, but the library accesses a variable ā€œpā€ that does not exist.

I did compile the TiddlyMap plugin from source and it seems to fix the ā€œdelete tiddlerā€ problem. @etardiff Iā€™ll send you a private post with JSON attached for testing.

But I do not know if TiddlyMap itself still works, since I do not know / use it.

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I do see the logic; the most recent 5 releases have all required a bug fix release. There are counterarguments, though. Users might come away with the impression that a v5.x.0 release would necessarily be unreliable, making them inclined to wait for the v5.x.1 release. That runs counter to our goal of getting as much battle testing done as possible for each new release.

Thank you, I hadnā€™t come across that problem. Itā€™s a long standing issue, but the fix is very straightforward so I am merging it for v5.3.5:

Thanks @pmario. It would be good to get TiddlyMap working again.

I think tiddlymap issue must be brought to the notice of @Flibbles since he is trying to maintain that project. I have also noticed this error while trying to delete a tiddler, but only after upgrading to 5.3.4

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I did raise an issue at GH already: RSOD with TW v5.3.5-pre - missing type Ā· Issue #457 Ā· felixhayashi/TW5-TiddlyMap Ā· GitHub


Thank you for testing and compiling this solution, @pmario! It does seem to resolve the error in 5.3.4 and 5.3.5-pre, and TiddlyMap still works for me.

I hadnā€™t noticed any issues with TiddlyMap in 5.3.3(-), but itā€™s very possible it was failing in some silent way that didnā€™t trigger an error message and didnā€™t impede my usage.

I really appreciate the diagnostic help! @Springer, is it possible that youā€™re also using TiddlyMap, or should we keep looking for a different issue?

I can confirm itā€™s not TiddlyMap in my case. Alas, I failed to pay attention enough to noting the conditions so that I could revisit the problem, and I havenā€™t come across the RSOE again since this thread has been on my radar. So, Iā€™m afraid I have to let the conversation move forward without more troubleshooting help from me.

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Sorry, I know this is late; a long weekend intervened.

After fighting GigantiCorpā€™s latest productivity-blockers, I was able to test most of my wikis. I found no regressions whatsoever. But I havenā€™t paid close attention to the bugs from 5.3.4, so I canā€™t really tell you if it fixes anything.