Performance doubt

please, just imagine a TW with an absurd amount of tiddles and in addition, each tiddle is huge, in terms of performance is there a difference using the standalone TW or the nodejs version? Does using the nodejs version, where the tiddles are separate files, offer any advantages in terms of performance and stability for the browser?

excuse my ignorance… but a simple file, the standalone model, is it fully loaded into memory? As for the nodejs version, does it also load all the tiddles at once? or because the tiddles are in separate files, they are only loaded when requested?

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Not by default, By default, all tiddlers are loaded. But there is a Lazy Loading feature that will ignore the content of images when loading. This does not affect long text, though. Some of that should be fixable with TiddlyWeb. but I don’t know how robust that is.

In the end, I think that while TW can handle large-ish data, there is a real limit, given that usually all the data—and always all the metadata—is sent over the wire and stored in browser memory. And attempts to fix this will always compromise on some of TW’s main features.

More information is at LazyLoadingMechanism

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thank you, thank you very much for the answer. I met TW very recently and I’m fascinated and enchanted by it. I intend, at some opportune moment, to study more about how it works internally, and perhaps also collaborate and contribute to the project.

omg, your avatar are pretty similar to brent spiner in the movie “independence day”. :sweat_smile:

thank you again!

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Saving is more often the bottleneck with large TiddlyWikis. I would also suggest increasing the minimum search length.

See 50M large / huge size of TiddlyWiki, performance remains good. Also a HugeWiki plugin for developers

@Scott_Sauyet Did you forget your medication again?


Sorry. I’ll get my coat.