Palette Manager Teaser :)

Tx! Brilliant site that manages to convey & implement colour aims well for practical use.

They also highlight issues with received wisdom on colour on the net—which is often not good.

[FYI, I own thousands of paintings by the artist Angela Weyersberg. To help promote her work on the net I had to employ a specialist in colour scanning to ensure on net they would roughly resemble the actual paintings.]

There are a lot of issues on net colours, mainly because they are still not fully standardised on hardware. It is an old problem. I thought very good in it is trying to find a clearer way forward from the maze that is actual colour on screens.

[FYI, if you into commercial photo or movie production you have to have a calibrated screen—which cost thousands.]

Finally, palette making is likely still as much an art as a science :slight_smile: ???

Passing thoughts, TT

Firefox has a simulator in its devtools Color vision simulation — Firefox Source Docs documentation


Actually this can be extended to almost all aspects of colour from printing to reproductions, to coloring fabrics. Colour as we see in science is separate from what we see with our eyes and then the mind steps in as well. Add to that a color which responds differently to the light that falls on it eg daylight, incandescent, Fluro and LED.

  • In the past there where occasions where that beautiful expensive dress became ghastly in the “lights of the event”.

I don’t know everything on this subject, but I know enough to know it is difficult to know everything in this field.

Thus here too;

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