Interesting… I do like your basic idea!
I’m noticing that the pair of images in your post share the same diagonal axis (which means they’re less distinct than being “opposite” might imply)… Could an intuitive sense of ratcheting in one direction – potentially followed by an animated “snap to” for saving (whether or not the change is actually animated, or just visually suggestive) – be more intuitive with a difference of less than 180°…
I also like the fact that the shape inside the circle at left is one logical symbol for negation. 
On the other hand, this one gives a sense of “dangling” that is visually awkward… which might be just what we’d want… (Please forgive the terrible image quality of the hasty mockup.):

For what it’s worth, these particular red and green shades do seem likely to be reasonably distinguishable according to this one online simulator: Color Blind Vision Simulator | Color Blind Glasses Simulator