Need help troubleshooting TiddlyDesktop version 15

Setup: macOS 13.1 (latest), TiddlyDesktop v15 (release version)- long time TW and TiddlyDesktop user

Problem: The first of my wikis that I tried to get to work with TiddlyDesktop v15 showed problems immediately (I’ll get to those in a moment). Figuring that it was something about my wiki that was the problem, I created a new wiki folder, put a tiddlers subfolder into it and copied my standard file into the wiki folder. I opened this clean wiki with TiddlyDesktop 15 and got the same odd behavior-

• Creating a new tiddler, renaming it, putting in some text and then saving did nothing. The tiddler remained open in edit mode.

• Looking in the open tab of the sidebar showed both the draft named ‘New Tiddler’ and the renamed tiddler.

• Trying to open another tiddler did nothing to the story river. I tried to open the control panel and the story river did not change, though the sidebar did show the control panel as being open.

• Trying to close the Welcome tiddler did nothing.

• During all of this the story river gradually filled with ‘ghosts.’ These look as if a tiddler started to render but only the frame for it rendered- no title, no controls, no text, just an empty rectangle. The only way to get rid of these was to exit the wiki and reopen it.

To try to narrow down the problem I did the following-

• Repeating the above testing on the clean wiki with TiddlyDesktop v14. Everything worked as expected.

• Repeating the testing in TiddlyDesktop v15 on an existing single file wiki. Everything was fine.

• Installing node and running the latest TiddlyWiki on that and repeating the testing on a new wiki (used Safari as my browser). Everything was fine.

• Copying the file created when the new node wiki was created and using it in a new wiki folder that I opened with TiddlyDesktop v15. All the original problems were present. During this testing I watched the story river, the open tab and the contents of the tiddlers folder

• Open the wiki -storylist appears in tiddler folder

• Create a new tiddler- draft appears in folder

• Rename and save - renamed tiddler appears in folder and in open tab but renamed draft remains ‘hanging’ open in edit mode in the river.

• Attempt to delete it - no effect

• Attempt to close it - no effect

• Attempt to save again - draft appears in folder

• Click delete and draft disappears from folder

• Click control panel button - open tab shows it open but it does not appear in the river

• Click new tiddler and the tiddler open in edit mode is renamed back to New Tiddler, the renamed tiddler remains in open tab.

• Click new tiddler again and a ‘Draft 2 of New tiddler’ appears in open tab and folder but not in river. Clicking on it in the open tab causes the new tiddler draft in the river to become a ghost.

• I repeated these tests with the v15 prereleases and I saw no problem up to prerelease 3 but prereleases 4 and 5 showed the problems. (I did not bother to check prerelease 6)

• The changes introduced in prerelease 4 were-

  • Update to nw.js v.0.67.1

  • #237 Fix for alert/confirm/prompt within iframes

  • Fix wiki window positions not being restored

At first I assumed that it was something in my setup but I’m no longer sure what is going on. Does this look familiar to anyone or is there any suggestion for more trouble shooting? Does this look like a bug to people who know more about this than I do? I’ve looked for someone else who has seen something like this but I’ve come up empty. Thanks for any and all help!

I don’t mean to be Captain Obvious, but this sounds a lot like a permissions issue. On my Ubuntu system, I unzipped the package in my home directory to avoid any permissions issues

Trust me, Captain Obvious is more than welcome to figure this out! I have absolutely no problem with it turning out to be something silly. I’d be happy just to get it figured out but all the unzipping was done in the same folder and all the different TiddlyDesktop instances were running from the same folder. I didn’t download and test the prereleases in order, so the problem doesn’t seem to be anything that might have changed at a specific time on my machine, and I created empty test wikis, so there shouldn’t be anything odd with their permissions (though I did check). I’ve now tested it on a different machine (same operating system) thinking testing on a different machine was something obvious that I hadn’t tried and same issues (using the new release 16).

I just tried adding a wiki folder tiddlywiki in v.16 and I am having the same issues. Basically, folder tiddlywikis are not functional in tiddlydesktop.

I did not try using any wikifolders with v.15 yesterday, but I know they worked for me in the past (probably v.14).

I reported this to Jeremy in my reply to Can't arrange tiddlydesktop wikilist.

P.S. This does seem to be version related. I just ran v.14 and wikifolders work as expected with it.

Thanks for checking and reporting it to Jeremy. I’m sure that they work in v14. I use wikifolddrs all the time in v14 without any trouble. Working in one now as a matter of fact.

Hello @DBH,




My apologies, I forgot to add the tag attribute to the list-tagged-draggable macro !

I will make a PR (edit: done ), but if you dont want to wait for a new release / re-download tiddlydesktop, you can fix the re-ordering issue yourself :

  1. Click on the backstage button and open the WikiList tiddler



  1. In the tiddler WikiList, replace
<$macrocall $name="list-tagged-draggable" subFilter="all[tiddlers]subfilter<filter>unique[]" itemTemplate="WikiListRow" emptyMessage="Add a ~TiddlyWiki file or folder to get started.

Click the buttons above to browse, or drag and drop from your file Explorer/Finder"/>


<$macrocall $name="list-tagged-draggable" tag="wikilist" subFilter="all[tiddlers]subfilter<filter>unique[]" itemTemplate="WikiListRow" emptyMessage="Add a ~TiddlyWiki file or folder to get started.

Click the buttons above to browse, or drag and drop from your file Explorer/Finder"/>

Thanks @Sts,

This issue has gotten a bit mixed up. I never got far enough to see the problem the CaptainPackers had with dragging. Though I had wondered if our problems were somehow related, it turns out that they aren’t. Release 16 was made to fix the drag problem but all my problems mentioned above still happen with it and now CaptainPakers has tried wiki folders with release 16 and found all the same problems that I first reported. He’s let Jeremy know that it isn’t just me.