TiddlyDesktop v.0.0.16 Bug Report

The new version of TiddyDesktop (v.0.0.16) seems to have issues with folder wikis.

  • I can’t create new tiddlers
  • css tweaks don’t work

The peculiar thing is that if I set up the folder wiki so that I can access it through a browser, everything works normally. I can create new tiddlers and all my css tweaks are present.

I’m not a developer, but it seems that the browser has some privileges that the GUI does not have.

One peculiar behavior I noticed in the GUI is that if I create a new tiddler and click twice quickly on the save icon (check mark), the tiddler is actually saved. However, a “Draft of ‘New Tiddler’” is also created, and the new tiddler cannot be opened unless the wiki is refreshed.

Just to try to consolidate this all in one place, this is the set of problems that I originally thought were due to something I was doing. See Need help troubleshooting TiddlyDesktop version 15. My problems were with release 15 (starting with prerelease 4) but it is the same in release 16, which was produced to fix what turned out to be a different problem in release 15 reported by CaptainPackers (see Can't arrange tiddlydesktop wikilist)

Thanks @CaptainPackers @DBH I’m investigating.

Just to confirm, versions prior to release 15 prerelease 4 work OK in respect of the issues creating new tiddlers and applying CSS tweaks?

Does this problem occur on tiddlywiki.com?

Thanks @jeremyruston. I just confirmed that in prerelease 4 I see all the problems I reported (river-open tab mismatch, can create but not close 1 tiddler, can’t open a second tiddler- either new or existing, “ghosts” in the river that seem like just the top and bottom margins of the display of a tiddler but nothing else, …) I don’t see these problems in prerelease 3.

A concrete example is that GettingStarted is there in the river when I open the fresh wiki (empty tiddlers folder). If I just try to close it immediately, it closes but if I create a tiddler first and then try to close GettingStarted it remains in the river- though it does get removed from the open tab and when I open the StoryList tiddler in TextEdit GettingStarted has been removed from it- so that does match the open tab). Happens in prerelease 4 but not prerelease 3.

I just looked in the tiddlers folder of my test wiki (running prerelease 4) after trying to create and rename some tiddlers and it seems to reflect the creating and renaming that I have done. It is hard to get exactly the same result twice but at the moment I have a new tiddler open in edit mode. I can type a new title for it and clicking the save button saves the updated tiddler to the tiddlers folder but it does not leave edit mode in the river and still says above the title that it is a draft of new tiddler. If I now click the plus to create a new tiddler it replaces the “renamed” tiddler with a “New Tiddler” draft in the river. The open tab shows both the renamed and the new tiddler as being open.

Ok, I seem to have gone down a debug rabbit hole. I hope there is something in this that gives you an ah-ha moment.

I don’t know about CSS tweaks. Given the behavior I’m seeing, I don’t even know how I would test that.

I’m sorry Jeremy. There are no problems with css tweaks on any version. I was faked out by the DarkReader browser extension yesterday when I started serving up my folder wiki so I could access it through a browser. I wanted to see if the behavior was any different when the wiki is accessed via browser, and I found that it is indeed different. I am able to create, save, open, edit, and delete new tiddlers in v.0.0.16 when accessed via browser.

Regarding your question about tiddlywiki.com, I’m not really sure what you are asking. I was able to create a tiddler there, if that’s what you mean.

Thanks for looking into this.