I would love to have a much-expanded $:/HistoryList, a session-level log of coarse actions. Something like this:
"activities": [
{"i": 1, "action": "DefaultTiddlers opened", "tids": "HelloThere GettingStarted Community"},
{"i": 2, "action": "Tiddler opened", "tid": "Features"},
{"i": 3, "action": "Tiddler opened", "tid": "Modals"},
{"i": 4, "action": "Tiddler closed", "tid": "Modals"},
{"i": 5, "action": "Tiddler opened", "tid": "Notifications"},
{"i": 6, "action": "Tiddler moved", "tid": "Notifications", from: 5, to: 1}
"currentIndex": 4
Which would represent the position when we had opened the site, opened the Features tiddler, opened, then closed the Modals tiddler, opened the Notifications tiddler, moved the Notifications tiddler to the top (through the “open” tabs’s drag-and-drop or whatever mechanism), then performed “Undo” twice.
Now you would get the option of undoing the close of “Modals” or redoing the opening of “Notifications”. If I perform another coarse action, then the end of the list is removed, and the new action would go in position 5.
Then we could get a reasonably simple Undo/Redo mechanism layered on this.