Link Preview hypertext technique

Has there ever been a implementation of “link preview” for TiddlyWiki? See these two examples:

Andy Matuschak - Evergreen notes

When you hover over a link on his website, it shows a segment of the referenced note

Wikipedia - TiddlyWiki

When you hover over a link on Wikipedia, you can view a small snippet, known as a page preview.

I put this in the cafe category as I’m more interested in what people think are the implications of having this feature. My memory tells me this is also a feature in Roam, but I’m not sure?

This technique of hovering or clicking to show more content (code folding) is our modern implementation of Ted Nelson’s StretchText (opinion).


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Yes, the appear and preview plugins by Tobias. I also wrote up a way to do it for static html exports. See my TiddlyWiki toolmap for links. TiddlyWiki toolmap - Dynalist

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A minor issue with that is you can’t resize it for your eminence with his doggy …

What you can get is the half-family …

Screenshot 2022-05-13 104839

Also it is awkward on touchscreens.

Just a comment, TT :smiley:

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Yes, and I remember the static popup solution having some other issue. Not the best way to go if you can avoid it.

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I think @linonetwo has done something aswell

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That is swell!

To me it’s a little like CamelCase linking. At first it seems like a really neat idea that will save a lot of time, but then later you find it to be mostly an annoyance that gets in the way of your actual reading.


At times I find it useful to be able to see the content of a linked tiddler without interrupting the flow of my reading. However, I prefer opening the linked tiddler in another story or in a popup for a quick look rather than a preview on hover. This allows looking at both tiddlers together if need be, or using one as a reference for the other.



Ohh that’s quite cool.

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This is really cool. Which plug-in is that, if you don’t mind sharing.
Thank you.

One of my favorite words! I use it often and afraid it shows my age.

@rkashyap Saq's Sandbox — Experimental doodads

@saqimtiaz Just tried Links Context Menu plugin. I like it, but have a question. The open in new window only shows a blank window for those tiddlers whose display depends on a custom ViewTemplate. How can I fix this?

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Dragging the SQPL link from Saq's Sandbox — Experimental doodads to my file, or to empty.html, does not work. I only get the SQPL tiddler. No system or shadow tiddlers. What do I do?

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Follow the instructions and adapt or create your own menu entry: Saq's Sandbox — Experimental doodads

The instructions are in that very tiddler: Saq's Sandbox — Experimental doodads

That’s what I am saying, I followed the instructions

Hi Dave!

There’s a step you’re missing. After you drag and drop the SQPL tiddler, go to settings → plugins → get more plugins. Pick the “SQ Plugin Library” tab. Then “Open the library”. From the drop-down list, find and install “Links Context Menu”. Then save and reload.

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Thank you, Mark! That was what I needed to understand, the “Get more plugins” part. I thought it was going to be listed below that in the tabs.

The instructions for usage are equally confusing. I made a target tiddler with text, and a second tiddler with the link to the target tiddler. When I hover or click on the link in the second tiddler, I don’t see a dropdown, and it doesn’t matter if I hold ctrl down or not. Also there is a settings tab in the plugin that is empty.