Keyboard edit/close bindings for zoomin?

When you’re in zoomin mode, there’s only one tiddler on the screen. Are there any key bindings that would let you quickly edit a tiddler, and/or close a tiddler? These would facilitate rapid movement through the story river.


Will these help?

  1. Demo of tw5-keyboard-navigation — Navigate through your TiddlyWiki using only your keyboard
  3. tiddlywiki-plugins

Thanks for the links!

I wasn’t able to get alt-c to work on BTC’s flow. I like Benwebber’s vim-like flow, but I would definitely want to get rid of the “d” option, which can instantly delete a tiddler without even a dialog popup.

  • For BTC’s - you can change the shortcut in the field of the corresponding tiddlers.

  • I haven’t used Ben webbers shortcuts much except for testing…so no idea about it.

  • One advantage with Max Schillinger plug in that you can click on a tiddler to make it the active tiddler.