Anyone else using BTC's demo/prototype of keyboard shortcuts

This is BTC’s demo/prototype of keyboard shortcuts shared in Github.

It may not be a completed project. I have found it to be useful in my wiki based on Krystal horizontal story river.

I have used this as a template to create a few more keyboard shortcuts for the viewtoolbar buttons like - clone, close other, maximize (only for krystal plug in) and pagetoolbar button like home button.

I haven’t experienced any serious bugs so far.

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Thanks for resharing this. I have not being using these yet, but they are helpful.

Can you say what is needed to save these or transfer to another wiki?
This is the filter I have so far [all[tiddlers]prefix[$:/core/ui/KeyboardShortcuts/]] plus the informational tiddler, and do I need the $:/_Styles tiddler or more?

I have added styles, edit tab index and startupaction tiddlers also into my wiki

There are at least two other similar implementations to be aware of: