Issue with Save and Backup using TiddlyDesktop


I’ve got an issue that I’d like to get some expert community advice on.

Up until recently, I was using TiddlyDesktop to manage my 16MB TiddlyWiki file.

But then, I switched to a new PC (upgraded to Windows 10 Pro), and ever since, saving this file has been taking ages (over 20 seconds to save and create a backup through TiddlyDesktop).

Could you guys give me some tips on how to get things back to normal? I’m looking for the simplest solution possible, as I’m the only one using this file.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Try saving with another solution like tiddlystow (for example) to see if the issue come from tiddlydesktop first : TiddlyStow - stow TiddlyWiki files locally using the browser file system api

Virus checking? turn Norton or whatever you are using off and try a save?

Perhaps also load your TW into a regular browser and try saving from there to compare times - it will probably save to your downloads folder. Remember don’t use the browser save - use the TW save !

When I open my wiki file with chrome, the saving of the file (using the “save changes” option of TW) is quite immediate. It seems that my problem come from tiddlyDesktop. Any ideas?