Is There a TiddlyWiki Assistant?

There are some assistants for other software out there like: Google Assistant, Apple Siri, …

A TiddlyWiki assistant is highly desirable! It may be written in pure WikiText, or JS. It can start some reorganization or producing reports, giving ideas by looking at notes, remembering some tasks when TW starts (using some startup actions…)

We may call TiddlyWiki assistant Motovun Jack :wink:

What can it do?

  • summarize a key relationship or pattern in your thinking over time
  • linking, and tagging
  • apply some templates
  • reorganize notes
  • prepare reports

What else do you want from Motovun Jack?

Inspired by Wow, this article: The End of Organizing - Discussion - Talk TW (

NOTE: I am not talking about using full AI in TiddlyWiki, but like other assistants, a TW assistant can be of a lot of help.