Import to a Template?

Maybe it’s because I’ve being using some of his solutions in my wikis lately, but this recent post from @Telumire leads me to believe we’re on the same wavelength about importing images.

I’d like to be able to drag-and-drop background images into my wikis and automatically tag them $:/tags/Image and $:/tags/Background plus add some custom fields (recommended palettes, orientation, flip, focus, and caption). The icing on the cake would be naming the incoming tiddler $:/backgrounds/original file name.jpg and filling the caption field with original file name (sans file extension)

The tips in that other thread suggest I could do at least most of this with modifications to $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/file-import (though I haven’t yet tried adding the fields).

But what if I only wanted to import some images this way?

Is there a way I could create an import template of some kind and drag images onto a specific hot area of the page to apply my import template to only those tiddlers I placed on this custom dropzone? (I’m thinking the dropzone could be in the body of a tiddler, so I’d just invoke that when I needed to import some background images — or I’d place it somewhere on the SideBar or MenuBar to keep it handy in case I needed it.)

Has anyone built anything like this?

@Secret-HQ you can extend the import mechanism, or create your own drop zones.

I have not yet made this combination, drop to import, but I will see if I can offer some examples soon but perhaps you can find your way;

<div  title="Drop links here to add to a 'link field'">
<$droppable actions=<<droplink-actions>> class="drop-link-bar">

Drop link bar

  • This is something I have working, note the droplink-actions are what happens on drop, perhaps this would trigger a custom import?
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Yes. You can use the DropzoneWidget in a location of your choosing to handle file drops and then implement your own handling of the files after they are imported. This is a two step process. First the dropzone saves the raw data into a tiddler then you trigger the import with the possibility of executing additional actions after the import.

Thanks for the pointers. This got me moving in the right direction, but I’m not sure how to get both things happening at once.

@TW_Tones, I cribbed your <$droppable> trick to create this tiddler:

<div  title="Drag and drop images here to import them as TiddlyWiki backgrounds">
<$droppable actions=<<importBackground>> class="dropzone">

Import Background Images


… which successfully invokes my tagging and field actions:

\define importBackground()
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<actionTiddler>> $field="tags" $value="$:/tags/Image $:/tags/Background" />
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<actionTiddler>> $field="caption" $value=<<actionTiddler>> />
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<actionTiddler>> $field="flip" $value="horizontal" />
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<actionTiddler>> $field="focus" $value="center" />
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<actionTiddler>> $field="recommended palettes" $value="" />
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<actionTiddler>> $field="tw-origin" $value={{$:/SiteTitle}} />

… when I drag and drop tiddlers onto it.

I can import tiddlers, then drag them over my <$draggable> widget and modify them — but I can’t figure out how to get both things to happen concurrenty(/sequentially).

I’ve tried applying those same actions to a <$dropzone> widget:

<$dropzone actions=<<importBackground>> class="dropzone">

… but it doesn’t look like <$dropzone> accepts the actions parameter.

I’ve also tried invoking

<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-perform-import" />

… within my <<importBackground>> macro (both at the beginning and at the end) with no success.

I’ve also tried wrapping the <$dropzone> widget within the <$droppable> widget (and vice versa) with no success.

One thing I’ve considered by haven’t tried is duplicating $:/core/modules/widgets/dropzone.js and trying to hack my changes into an alternative tiddler — but I’d like to avoid that approach, even if it might work.

@saqimtiaz, any insights into how to make the two-step process work?

Anyone else tried to do something similar — ?