Creating a Dropzone


I would like to create a dropzone that would allow me to directly generate my image with a specific name without having to click on the edit and import button.

I’ve tried several things such as:

<$dropzone autoOpenOnImport="yes" importTitle="mytiddler" >
  Drop your files here!

or I have tried to directly generate an image with JSON generated with:

<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-import-tiddlers" autoOpenOnImport="yes" importTitle="image.png" $param="{{mytiddler}}"/>

but this does not work :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

If someone has an idea?

regards :slight_smile:

The first place I get my ideas from is Go and find a similar behaviour to the one you want to implement and view the source code.

  • However I am having trouble finding the example I know is there. There is room to improve the documentation.

you may try to look there : Import to a Template?

Welcome to them forum @JohnDoe

@JohnDoe are you saying you cant drop the image file directly on tiddlywiki?

  • it still requires import.
  • it should name them" image N"

Media such as images, demand a lot of memory and there are different ways to do this.

Perhaps explain the context.