HowTo Open a Wiki in a Browser Window Without a Navigation Bar

hi all,
this was going to be a response to TW window in an empty frame, but as it may not be directly related i decided to spin it off into its own thread.

chrome can run links in a “web app” mode, which hides the address bar etc and just leaves the system navigation bar (to close / maximize the window). this is how i used to run my daily driver wiki.

this can’t be done from a link to my knowledge, but can be made from a chrome shortcut in windows:

  1. open chrome and go to any webpage.

  2. save the page as a shortcut: settings → Cast, save and share → create shortcut

  3. find the shortcut it put on your desktop, then right click → Properties

  4. set the Target to: "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome_proxy.exe" -app=""
    note: your chrome install location may vary. also, this works for local wiki files too, just replace the web link with a filepath.

  5. set “Start in:” to "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application" (location may vary)

  6. change the icon and shortcut name if desired.

now you can open your wiki in its own dedicated window!


I used to be able to do this on Vivaldi for Android too, but after a clean install I have not been able to make it work :slight_smile: If anyone knows how to create such a shortcut on chrome/vivaldi mobile, I’d be grateful