How to switch / toggle more than one Tiddler by pressing the same button?

I am new here.
I am using your solution to switch a Tiggler on / off to the side bar.

My question: How to switch / toggle more than one Tiddler by pressing the same button?

At least I want to use different Table of contents by switching the Language.
I have the “TableOfContents” if it is set to english, and I want to remove “TableOfContent” from the SideBar and display “Inhaltsverzeichnis”.

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This should be done automatically. The TableOfContents tiddler should have a caption like this: {{$:/language/SideBar/Contents/Caption}} … which will switch automatically to “Inhalt”

Hi Mario,
thank you for your comment.
Maybe I described it not detailed enough.
I want to have a Botton that switch not only the tag in the table-of-contents tiggler, also some other tiggler. The Table of content was only an example.

Hi Stefan,

It’s called tiddler

You can try action-listops widget. eg:

\define myActions()
<$list filter="a b c" >
  <$action-listops $tags="x"/>

<$button actions=<<myActions>> >
Tiddlers a, b and c get the tag x
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Thank you very much.

here my final solution to switch the table of contents from for different languages. I will add also Buttons for other languages.

\define myActions()
<$list filter="Inhaltsverzeichnis" >
  <$action-listops $tags="+[toggle[$:/tags/SideBar]]"/>
<$list filter="TableOfContents" >
  <$action-listops $tags="+[toggle[$:/tags/SideBar]]"/>

<$tiddler tiddler="Inhaltsverzeichnis">
<$button actions=<<myActions>> >
Switch german "Inhaltsverzeichnis" 
<$list filter="[{!!title}tag[$:/tags/SideBar]]" emptyMessage="""on""">off</$list>

[Edited] Wrap code using </> button