How to record the knowledge of tarot cards on tiddlywiki

This type of content seems to record a large number of photos with red arrows, a large number of abstract symbols and graphics unique to the Tarot realm, and does not seem to be supported by the utf-8 encoding system, focusing on how different card arrangements indicating a particular relationship can be expressed electronically. Or should the book *.pdf be stored directly in tiddlywiki? Or a screenshot?

A high-definition picture on the Internet

If I were trying to build a wiki around something like this, I’d probably create an individual tiddler per card with the title matching the card (“Knight of Cups” or “Six of Coins” [sorry, I can’t tell what the one with the disks on the sides is]). I might then add fields to the tiddler that represent useful elements (i.e. “suit” = “cups”, rank = “6”, etc.). I would write some sort of template to render the page the way I wanted. If I also wanted to show the images, I would load them as separate tiddlers and transclude them into the page.

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Have you checked out this tarot project shared by @JanJo?

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You say its a high definition image however it a appears to have a shadow or light accross it, so if you were to try and reuse it you may have artifacts.

I would look for a better source.

Not withstanding the fact there is absolutely no evidence to support tarot cards and if there ever was not likely a mechanisium for spirits to influence the bytes on a computer let alone a college for spirits to update their skills, since many became spirits before the transistor, even Vacume tubes were invented.

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Thanks, you provided the idea, once again strengthened my understanding that the field name can be customized

Quantum can’t be observed, and if observed, it can easily affect the accuracy of its results. I always thought the UK had Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Does it have it or not? Is it not that Europeans are almost religious (Christian, Catholic, Orthodox, or whatever)? Tarot cards have nothing to do with these three religions, right? I think its tarot cards as tiddlers document a number of web front-end technologies that can be discussed for a long time

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This looks interesting

Of course there is, at least, … EM Radiation that can blast bytes.

Do you mean “spirits” (insubstantial beings) or “on spirits” (intoxicated), et al?

Okay I won’t further go off askance topic, back to the @XYZ of the OP next.

Dear neophyte Tarot Wizard (TW)

The Hogwarts Alumni School, established in 1456 in Milan, Italy, (now with UK members, including Senior Sorcerer “Rowling”) provides advanced training to aspirant TW’s.
All applicants can access an entry form via Remote Viewing at Spiritual URL tarot://hogwarts.alumni.admin.

Far too complicated to explain the “NO” to that.

Suffice it to say that Tarot, as Cartomancy, evolved from normal playing cards. Primarily accelerated through addition of the Major Arcana. Likely in the Northern Italy of the 14th/15th centuries via an expanded Tarocchini.


How to record the knowledge of tarot cards on tiddlywiki (@XYZ)

I’m reading that literally.

ONE set of thoughts; IF your aim is to give Digital Card Readings?

Fields, on a Client Query Tiddler, to …

1 - Question. Record what the client is asking of the Tarot;

2 - Cards Record. Develop a compact card display notation … e.g. (Kb,Qr,Db) etc (bit like Chess notation) of the SERVED CARDS for later recall.

3 - Interpretation. The “reading” of the served deck (#2 for #1).

4 - Follow-Up. Was the reading accurate?

The CIA - 1983 [declassified] might get interested and fund you if you could show “#4” was positive :-).


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In addition to the method of importing photos in tiddler, draw the following similar pictures in tiddler?

Those are not naked drawing,

Those images are outputs of either sophisticated premium design software (e.g. PhotoShop) or tweaked photos of laboriously hand-drawn diagrams.

SO. The question might be better phrased as … “Can I replace augment the default image editor in TW with a full-on professional image app?”

Something like that.


So it seems that these images will end up in tiddler as photos, rather than using css or svg to achieve the same effect

Not quite. IF the image has clear lines. Especially if ONLY in bichrome (two distinct colours, typically black and white) conversion to SVG for a TW lightweight is trivial.

Muta imaginem

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Is it true that svg takes up much less space than png for the same content?

Yes. Usually. IF you ever got a mega-SVG of lines from a small bitmap dimmi.

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Is it not that Europeans are almost religious (Christian, Catholic, Orthodox, or whatever)? Tarot cards have nothing to do with these three religions, right?

On a non-technical front, this is complex. Tarot cards are primarily used for fortune telling and divination (though card games are played with tarot decks as well) and that would meet with disapproval for the vast majority of Christians, Muslims, and Jews. I could be misremembering this, but I thought that strictures against fortune telling and divination were behind the opposition to the standard 52 card deck in past centuries (in addition to the disapproval of gambling).

That said, you will find mystical/occult offshoots from all three, not everyone who is a cultural member of a religion follows all of its rules, and as the West is increasingly secularized, there isn’t much moral indignation about the cards.

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But there is “Intellectual indignation about the cards, from sceptics and critical thinkers”,

Forget about Hogwarts, this is hogwash.

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This seems very interesting, and it seems that I need to read more great works on the Western occult, or read more papers on the development of Western religions, to fill in the gaps in my knowledge

But there is “Intellectual indignation about the cards, from sceptics and critical thinkers”,

True. My read on the average person in the west is that they would not believe in fortune telling, divination, or astrology as objective truth, but see it as harmless fun. This is why you see horoscopes in magazines and fortune tellers with full store fronts.

Ironically, the belief that such things don’t work but that the side effects are negative would be shared by both the stronger Secularists and the more observant of the primary faiths.