How to integrate "Daily Notes by Scott Kingery" (/parts of it) into existing Tiddlywiki

Hello Tiddlywiki enthusiasts & wizards,

I am new to the forum so please bear with me if this is the wrong section to ask.

I found the Daily Notes TW edition from an older post, which I didnt want to necro-pump:

I find the concept of having this timestamps in my daily notes very appealing and would like to integrate this into my existing PKM TW to link easily to evergreen tiddlers when necessary. In my opinion this brings Logseq vibes into Tiddlywiki.

However I was unable to simply replicate the functionality of this “Home” tiddler from Daily Notes — Interstitial Journaling

As a simply import of the “home” tiddler and integrating the same plugins did not work I wanted to ask if there is an easier solution - or maybe another solution, like a packaged plug-in, smthg. similar.

Thanks in advance for all the support.

B. R.,

Hi there

Afraid I’m not an expert, but I use a couple of macros from @TechLifeWeb 's wonderfully simple Daily Notes TW instance in a TiddlyWiki of my own. Not sure if it helps, but just in case, you could see if you can get interstitial journalling working on a Journal tiddler by following these steps:

  1. Open your existing journal template, or create one by adding a new tiddler with something like `$:/yourinitials/template/journal` and tagging it `$:/tags/ViewTemplate
  2. At the top of the content area of your journal template, add the macros you'd like to use – checking also you have the icons you want to use as well. E.g., this is what I used from Daily Notes, to enable time-stamped interstitial journalling:

    <!-- macro below taken from for adding interstitial journalling-->
    \define appendButton(target, now, time, add)
       <$button tooltip="Add note">{{$:/core/images/done-button}} <!-- changed from timestamp button as that confused me. srbt -->
       <$action-setfield $tiddler="$target$" text="$now$<br/><b>$time$</b>  $add$" tags="Journal" icon="$:/core/images/new-journal-button"/>
    <$list filter="[[$:/temp/Append]links[]is[missing]]"><$action-createtiddler $basetitle=<<currentTiddler>>/></$list>
       <$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/temp/Append" text=""/>
    <$action-setfield transcode="{{$target$}}" />
    <$action-setfield latest="$target$" /> 

  3. Under this macro definition, and any other you'd like to use, add a list filter to the journal template, so it is applied to all journal tiddlers, and call the macro from within the list. For instance, to only include the interstitial journalling, you might add:

    <$list filter="[all[current]tag[Journal]]">
    		<!-- items below taken from to allow for interstitial journalling, using the appendButton macro above -->
    		<$set name="notesTitleTemplate" value=<<currentTiddler>>>
    			<$wikify name="notesTitle" text="""<$macrocall $name="now" format=<<notesTitleTemplate>>/>""">
    			<$set name="currenttext" tiddler=<<notesTitle>> field="text">
    				<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/Append" default="" focus="yes" minHeight="40px"/>
    				<$macrocall $name="appendButton" target="$(notesTitle)$" now=<<currenttext>> time=<<now "0hh:0mm">> add={{$:/temp/Append}}>></$macrocall>
    				<$macrocall $name="quickEntry" target="$(notesTitle)$" now=<<currenttext>> time=<<now "0hh:0mm">> add={{$:/temp/Append}}>></$macrocall>

    Note I've changed the value of the outer `$set` (named "notesTitleTemplate") to currentTiddler (with two triangle brackets before and after currentTiddler) instead of `{{$:/config/NewJournal/Title}}`. This is so that *any* tiddler called by my list (i.e., in the example above, any tiddler tagged "Journal") both gains the interstitial note commands **and displays the note text**. Otherwise (and this might be the issue you experienced?) only tiddlers named as per the NewJournal/Title config file will actually show whatever you typed. Using **currentTiddler** means any text you type in the "Notes" textbox set up above will appear in the textbox of all open tiddlers tagged "Journal", although only be displayed in the tiddler you're editing, next to a time-stamp, once you press the tick / check icon after you've finished typing.

There are surely other (and likely more efficient!) ways of achieving similar effects that other, more expert TiddlyWikians may be able to tell you about – I can say, though, that the above works for me in an empty TiddlyWiki (I used a blank 5.2.7 edition TW – should be the same with an empty 5.3.0, or 5.3.1, TiddlyWiki instance, too).

Hopefully this wasn’t entirely unhelpful :slight_smile:

All best wishes


Thank you very much for the very detailed explanation.

Although I was not following your guide explicitly, your explanation helped to get the “somehow interstitial journaling” experience into my wiki.

I did not get the point initally by simply having those notes as journal tiddlers available.

But until now it seems that it works as expected. Thank you very much again.

Have blessed day.

Just curious, what do you mean by this phrase?

I’m guessing it’s an old thread being referred to so ‘raise from the dead’?