How to display the "list" field of a tiddler with a filter

It must be simple, but I’m afraid I’m a noob. I started from here to have the default tiddlers chosen by a filter:

To set as default tiddler all tiddlers contained in the list field of the tiddler $:/plugins/kookma/favorites/manager/tabs/folders of the wonderful plugin that is $:/plugins/kookma/favorites.

In other words, I would like the automatically opened tiddlers to be those listed in a tiddler’s list field. How can I make a filter that gives those tiddlers?

Hi @Sobriety,

You might want to have a look at the official documentation for the list filter operator

I didn’t test it, but this may work:



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Ok I’m pretty stupid :sweat_smile: :dizzy_face:
What you wrote is right, and it would work if I didn’t give you the wrong information. All this time I got confused and used $:/plugins/kookma/favorites/manager/tabs/folder while I should have used $:/favorites/folders/recent. Wrong tiddler! No wonder it didn’t work

Thank you very much, probably without you I would have spent another hour on this issue. Anyway, the filter you gave me works great. Thanks @tw-FRed