Folks on a number of projects such as Window Manager, window names etc… I am pulling together a suite of solutions for using and managing multiple wikis and links to content within wikis in the browser. I think I may be there now, but I need to resolve one last question (I think).
I want to be able to generate a default window name from any URL for example at we may simply use the domain to set the llink target field. All links below will open in the same window.
- his is an adequate solution but may not be appropriate when folders are used in the path, although subdomains are ok.
- often the real filename of a wiki like this on the internet, is index.html so adds little value to include the filename.
The problem arises when using wikis at file addresses. eg file:///I:/TW5%20Intranet/!Working/details-macro-development-wiki.html
- I could make the window name into details-macro-development-wiki but since it may be a link to a file I should include .html
- can I assume the filename is unique and not bother including the file path in the window name?
- Eg details-macro-development-wiki.html
- Or use TW5%20Intranet.!Working.details-macro-development-wiki.html?
- Which is a bit long and could be a lot longer.
- We can collect links from all over the internet and I would like to take any random link and by default open it in a named tab, so multiple links to the same location open that same tab. R-click allows open in new window anyway.
I can manage this for wikis under my control but not other types of links.