Browser bug bear, losing the

Folks. Here is a frustration with both Chrome and FireFox I would like to raise in case anyone has found an answer.


If you open a window or tab from a link, that includes a target name, not _blank but a real name such as

if you follow the same or similar link again it will open the same tab or window.

  • It is a simple matter of r-click open in new tab/window to override this behaviour
  • Basically the browser assigns a window name equal to the target name given.

This is really good, for example to follow links to different resources within Filter Operators or Filter Syntax because they always open in the same tab/window instead of proliferating tabs/windows.

  • If the wiki you navigate to is unsaved and navigation will lose changes, you are warned, which is great.
  • A range of other features like my window manager work can benefit from this feature
  • Any Internet site can be given a target name and reopen with a link with the same target. Again you need not hunt to see if a tab is open, just follow the same link and it will open or reopen as needed.
  • Although not straight forward you can make bookmarklets (not bookmarks) that have this behaviour.

What is my “Bug bear” or annoyance?

Both Chrome and FireFox happily opens and assigns the window name if you follow a link with the target set. It remembers the window name and continues to work ONLY for the current browser session.

If however you close your browser with multiple windows or tabs open when you reopen the browser they are all restored (if you have the correct setting). So you would think you could just keep working and make use of the above feature.

But no !

All these browsers FORGET the window name and the only way to reset them is to close all tabs and windows and reopen them with a link containing the target/window name.

  • This seems to me such a basic functionality I am surprised there is not at least an option to save the window name across browser sessions. Even a per window/tab option.

I have researched this deeply and multiple times, I keep getting told a particular window or tab manager addon will address this and they do not, and if they did you get a whole suite of behaviours you may not want.

Anyone have a clue how to address this?